Discord bot to emulate IRC clients' (also Skype and Slack's) keyword notification feature. Senko will DM you the server messages which contain your keywords or phrases along with the context and jumplink. Phrases should be enclosed in quotation marks to distinguish them from multiple words.
To add Senko to your server, follow this link.
Keyword commands:
!kw add <keywords>...
to add keywords or phrases to be notified for!kw rem <keywords>...
to remove keywords or phrases!kw list
to see the list of all keywords and phrases!kw clear
to remove all keywords and phrases
Other stuff:
- Dice rolls using Random.org (falls back on random.py)
!roll [<max> [<min> [<num>]]]
max upper bound of range [default: 6]
min lower bound of range [default: 1]
num number of rolls [default: 1]
- Welcomes you back with