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Introduction to sbt basics (multimodule setup, plugins, compiler plugins), testcontainers and shared resources in tests.

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  • goals of this workshop
    • showing example of multimodule scala project
    • sbt basics
      • settings
      • dependencies
      • compiler options
      • plugins
    • introduction to plugins
      • sbt-native-packager"
      • sbt-scalafmt"
      • sbt-explicit-dependencies"
      • sbt-scalafix"
      • sbt-wartremover"
      • sbt-tpolecat"
    • introduction to compiler plugins
      • better-monadic-for
      • kind-projector
      • semanticdb-scalac
    • overview of testcontainers
      • how to create them
      • how to use them
    • zio tests
      • sharing layers inside the suite and across suites
  • project
    • to run IT tests
      • run docker desktop
      • publishLocal order and customer
        • publishLocalAll in sbt shell
      • docker-compose up -d in the terminal (root directory)
      • it:test in sbt shell
  • workshops
    • task1
      1. modify OrderContainer to log a message after it is started
      2. verify that OrderContainer is started once for 2Spec & 3Spec, and is started once again for Spec
    • task2
      1. modify WartOptions.default with some option
      2. violate that option in the code
      3. verify that compilation fails
    • task3
      1. implement DockerSettingsPlugin
        • requires DockerPlugin
        • has to settings
          object autoImport {
            val dockerImageName = settingKey[String]("equivalent of Docker / packageName")
            val dockerExposedPort = settingKey[Int]("equivalent of dockerExposedPorts but with only one port")
        • sets by default
          dockerBaseImage := "openjdk:11-jre-slim-buster",
          dockerUpdateLatest := true,
      2. plug it into order module and verify that it works
    • task4
      1. add sbt command alias for fmt and import fix

sbt build

  • defined in build.sbt
    • consists set of subproject
    • sbt is recursive
      • build.sbt conceals how sbt really works
        • sbt builds are defined with Scala code and that code, itself, has to be built
      • project directory is another build inside your build
        • knows how to build your build
        • projects inside the metabuild can do anything any other project can do
          • you can tweak the build definition of the build definition project, by creating a project/project/ directory
      • to distinguish the builds we sometimes use the term
        • proper build to refer to your build
        • meta-build to refer to the build in project
  • example
    lazy val root = (project in file(".")) // lazy vals to avoid initialization order problems
        name := "Hello",
        scalaVersion := "2.12.7"
  • settings
    • example
      name := "Hello"
    • structure
      • left-hand side: key
        • instance of
          • SettingKey[T]
            • evaluated only once
              • can’t depend on a task, not re-run
            • computed when loading the subproject
          • TaskKey[T]
            • evaluated each time it’s referred to
            • analogy: scala function
            • potentially: side effects
          • or InputKey[T]
            • key for a task that has command line arguments as input
          • T is the expected value type
            name := 42  // will not compile, name is typed to SettingKey[String]
          • custom keys may be defined with their respective creation methods
            • settingKey
            • taskKey
            • and inputKey
        • example
          • built-in keys are just fields in an object called Keys
            • build.sbt implicitly has an import sbt.Keys._
      • operator
        • := operator on name is also typed specifically to String
          • you can assign a value to a setting and a computation to a task
      • right-hand side: body
    • can be written directly into the build.sbt file
      • instead of putting them inside .settings(...)
      • called "bare style"
      • example
        ThisBuild / version := "1.0"
        ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.16"
    • more than key-value pairs
      • directed acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks where the edges denote happens-before
        • use .value method to express the dependency to another task or setting
          • is not a normal Scala method call
          • build.sbt DSL uses a macro to lift these outside of the task body
        • example
          lazy val root = (project in file("."))
              name := "Hello",
              scalacOptions := {
                val out = streams.value // happens-before scalacOptions (in particular: before logging)
                val log = out.log
                val ur = update.value   // happens-before scalacOptions (in particular: before logging)
          • output
            > scalacOptions
            [info] Updating {file:/xxx/}root...
            [info] Resolving jline#jline;2.14.1 ...
            [info] Done updating.
            [info] 123
            [info] 456
            [success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jan 2, 2017 10:38:24 PM
          • observation
            • no guarantee about the ordering of update and clean tasks
              • might run update then clean, clean then update, or both in parallel
          • digression
            if (false) {
                val x = clean.value // will run always
  • library dependencies
    • example
      libraryDependencies += groupID % artifactID % revision // default: Compilation
      libraryDependencies += groupID % artifactID % revision % configuration // string or a Configuration value, ex. Test
      libraryDependencies += "org.apache.derby" % "derby" % "" % Test
    • declared in Keys
      libraryDependencies = settingKey[Seq[ModuleID]]("Declares managed dependencies.")
    • % method
      • create ModuleID objects from strings
    • %% method
      • sbt will add your project’s binary Scala version to the artifact name
      • dependencies are compiled for multiple Scala versions, and you’d like to get the one that matches your project to ensure binary compatibility
      • groupID %% artifactID % revision is translated into groupID % artifactID_scalaVersion % revision
      • example
        libraryDependencies += "org.scala-stm" %% "scala-stm" % "0.9.1"
        libraryDependencies += "org.scala-stm" % "scala-stm_2.13" % "0.9.1" // equivalent, assuming the scalaVersion for your build is 2.13.8
  • resolvers
    • not all packages live on the same server
      • default: standard Maven2 repository
    • configuration
      resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""

integration tests

  • the following full build configuration demonstrates integration tests
    lazy val root = (project in file("."))
      .configs(IntegrationTest) // adds the predefined integration test configuration
        Defaults.itSettings, // adds compilation, packaging, and testing actions and settings in the IntegrationTest configuration
        libraryDependencies += ...
  • to define a dependency only for integration tests, use %IntegrationTest
  • standard source hierarchy is used
    • sources: src/it/scala
    • resources: src/it/resources
  • standard testing tasks must be prefixed with IntegrationTest/
    • IntegrationTest/test
    • it:test


  • lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container
  • use cases
    • data access layer integration tests
      • MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc
    • application integration tests
      • databases, message queues or web servers
    • UI/Acceptance tests
      • web browsers, compatible with Selenium, for conducting automated UI tests
  • creating container
    • ContainerDef - container definition
      • describes, how to build a container
      • has a start() method
        • returns a started Container
    • Container - started container
    • example
    class NginxContainer(port: Int, underlying: GenericContainer) extends GenericContainer(underlying) {
      def rootUrl: String = s"http://$containerIpAddress:${mappedPort(port)}/"
    object NginxContainer {
      case class Def(port: Int) extends GenericContainer.Def[NginxContainer](
        new NginxContainer(port, GenericContainer(
          dockerImage = "nginx:latest",
          exposedPorts = Seq(port),
          waitStrategy = Wait.forHttp("/")
  • exposing ports
    • container perspective
      • example
                  dockerImage = "nginx:latest",
                  exposedPorts = Seq(port) // port needs to be explicitly exposed
    • host's perspective
      • Testcontainers actually exposes exposedPorts on a random free port
        • motivation: avoid port collisions
          • example: parallel test
        • to get actual mapped port at runtime
          • container.mappedPort(exposedPort)
        • to get host of container
          • String ipAddress =
  • executing a command
    • useful for software that has a command line administration tool
    • container.execInContainer("touch", "/somefile.txt")
  • environment variables
    • GenericContainer(...).withEnv("API_TOKEN", "foo")
    • but usually
      • in module tests: you use defaults from the underlying application.conf
      • in integration-tests: you run docker-compose with appropriate env variables
  • healthcheck
    • example
          .waitingFor(waitStrategy) // here comes wait strategy
    • default: wait 60 seconds for the container's first mapped network port to start listening
    • strategies
      • Wait.forHttp("/")
        • waiting for http endpoint 200 OK
      • Wait.forHealthcheck()
        • if the used image supports Docker's Healthcheck feature
  • depending on another container
  • accessing logs
    • standard error output
    • stream to logger
      Slf4jLogConsumer logConsumer = Slf4jLogConsumer(LOGGER).withSeparateOutputStreams()
    • Scala wrapper for testcontainers-java
    • advised configuration
      • set Test / fork := true in build.sbt
        • run tests in a separate JVM from sbt
          • allows for graceful shutdown of containers once the tests have finished running
        • digression
          • by default, the run task runs in the same JVM as sbt
            • user code can call System.exit => shuts down the JVM (requires restarting sbt)
    • most popular containers wrapped in ZIO


  • way to use external code in a build definition
  • minimal sbt plugin is a Scala library that is built against the version of Scala that sbt runs
    • nothing special needs to be done for this type of library
  • provide sbt tasks, commands, or settings
    • may provide them automatically or make them available explicitly integrate
    • example
      • codeCoverage task which would generate a test coverage report
      • sbt’s default settings are provided via three plugins:
        • CorePlugin - provides the core parallelism controls for tasks
        • IvyPlugin - provides the mechanisms to publish/resolve modules (Apache Ivy format)
        • JvmPlugin - provides the mechanisms to compile/test/run/package Java/Scala projects
  • example
    1. project/plugins.sbt
      • addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.9.11")
    2. build.sbt
      lazy val root = (project in file("."))
        .enablePlugins(DockerPlugin) // explicitly declared plugin from sbt-native-packager
  • AutoPlugin
    • can depend on other auto plugins and ensure these dependency settings are loaded first
    • example
      object SomePlugin extends AutoPlugin {
        override def trigger = ... // allRequirements: automatically add settings to project that has all plugins specified in requires
        override def requires = ... // example: Web && Javascript
        // contents are wildcard imported in .sbt files
        object autoImport {
          // setting definitions
          // avoid namespace clashes
          // use a plugin-specific prefix, ex. val somePluginPackageScala = taskKey[File]("Produces the scala artifact.")
        import SomePlugin.autoImport._
        override def projectSettings = Seq(...)
        override def buildSettings = ... // append settings at the build-level (that is, in ThisBuild)
    • triggered plugins
      • created by overriding the trigger method
      • automatically attach themselves to projects if their dependencies are met
    • autoImport
      • typically used to provide new keys (SettingKeys, TaskKeys, or InputKeys) or core methods
  • list all plugins: run plugins on the sbt console

3rd party plugins

  • sbt-native-packager
    • build native packages for different systems
      • example: dmg for macOS, docker, graalvm native images
    • there is a plugin for each packaging format
      • example: DockerPlugin, DebianPlugin
    • DockerPlugin
      • you can find created Dockerfile in moduleName/target/docker/Dockerfile
      • example
        lazy val moduleName = (project in file("moduleName"))
          .enablePlugins(AshScriptPlugin) // ash is a lightweight shell used by popular micro base Docker images
            name := "customer",
            libraryDependencies ++= Seq(...),
            Docker / packageName := "moduleName",
            dockerBaseImage := "openjdk:11-jre-slim-buster", // micro base Docker images
            dockerExposedPorts ++= Seq(8080),
            dockerUpdateLatest := true, // automatic update the latest tag
            dockerCommands ++= Cmd("USER", "root"), // will be appended at the end of Dockerfile
      • moduleName / Docker / publishLocal
        • builds a Docker image using the local Docker server
  • sbt-scalafmt
    • formats code so that it looks consistent
      • example: sort imports, align statements
    • configuration file: .scalafmt.conf (HOCON syntax)
      • example
        version    = "2.0.1"
        maxColumn  = 120
  • sbt-explicit-dependencies
    • check that libraryDependencies reflects the libraries that your code depends on
    • commands
      • undeclaredCompileDependencies
        • shows all undeclared transitive dependencies
      • unusedCompileDependencies
        • shows dependencies that are not needed for compilation
          • some libraries need to be added to the runtime classpath (not needed for compilation)
            • will be automatically excluded from consideration by this plugin
            • these libraries should be added using the Runtime configuration
              • added to (Runtime / dependencyClasspath) and not (Compile / dependencyClasspath)
    • settings
      • unusedCompileDependenciesFilter -= moduleFilter("org.scalaz", "scalaz")
        • filters out from the output
  • sbt-scalafix
    • linting tool
    • runs after the compilation
      • firstly: statically analyses the source code to find bad patterns specified by the linter rules
      • secondly: corrects the issues it found through refactoring
    • used mainly to organize imports (organize-imports plugin)
      • for other linting: WartRemover (alternative to Scalafix)
    • configuration file .scalafix.conf
      • example
        rules = [
          RemoveUnusedImports, // needs scalacOptions += "-Ywarn-unused"
    • SemanticDB
      • data model for semantic information such as symbols and types about programs in Scala
      • decouples production and consumption of semantic information
      • tools like Scalafix, Metadoc and Metals don't need to know about compiler internals and can work with any compiler that supports SemanticDB
    • OrganizeImport
      • Scalafix semantic rule that helps you organize Scala import statements
      • to include this rule in your sbt build
        ThisBuild / scalafixDependencies += "com.github.liancheng" %% "organize-imports" % "0.6.0"
      • then configure .scalafix.conf
        OrganizeImports {
          groupedImports                    = Merge
          coalesceToWildcardImportThreshold = 3
          groups                            = ["re:javax?\\.", "scala.", "shop.", "*"]
          removeUnused                      = true
  • sbt-tpolecat
    • configures scalac options
    • used instead of defining recommended scalac flags by hand
      • example:
        scalacOptions ++= Seq(
          "-deprecation",                      // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.
          "-encoding", "utf-8",                // Specify character encoding used by source files.
          "-explaintypes",                     // Explain type errors in more detail.
    • when using this plugin: don't manipulate the scalacOptions key directly
      • modify the tpolecatScalacOptions (or tpolecatDevModeOptions)
  • sbt-wartremover
    • flexible Scala code linting tool
      • richer set of built-in rules, denoted warts
    • configuration:
        wartremoverErrors ++= warts
    • example
      5 == "5" // compiles: Any type provides an == method which is not type-safe
      with we get compilation error (solution: use cat's ===)
      [wartremover:Equals] == is disabled - use === or equivalent instead
      [error]     a = 5 == "b"
      [error]           ^

compiler plugins

  • vs addSbtPlugin
    • addCompilerPlugin performs multiple actions
      1. adds the JAR to the classpath (the compilation classpath only, not the runtime classpath) via libraryDependencies
      2. customizes scalacOptions to enable the plugin using -Xplugin
  • configuration
    addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-tools.sxr" %% "sxr" % "0.3.0")
    equivalent of
    libraryDependencies ++= compilerPlugin("org.scala-tools.sxr" %% "sxr" % "0.3.0")
    and equivalent of specifying compiler plugins manually
    scalacOptions += "-Xplugin:<path-to-sxr>/sxr-0.3.0.jar"
  • kind-projector
    • Scala 3 has built-in type lambda syntax and kind-projector compatible syntax
    • problem: use of type projections to implement anonymous, partially-applied types
      // partially-applied type named "IntOrA"
      type IntOrA[A] = Either[Int, A]
      // type projection implementing the same type anonymously (without a name).
      ({type L[A] = Either[Int, A]})#L
    • example
      Either[Int, +*]          // equivalent to: type R[+A] = Either[Int, A]
  • better-monadic-for
    • Scala 3 natively supports the semantic changes provided by better-monadic-for under -source:future compiler flag
    • features
      • final map optimization
        for {
          x <- xs
          y <- getYs(x)
        } yield y
        without a plugin is compiled into
        xs.flatMap(x => getYs(x).map(y => y))
        with plugin into
        xs.flatMap(x => getYs(x))
      • implicits in for-comprehensions
        for {
          x <- Option(42)
          implicit0(it: ImplicitTest) <- Option(ImplicitTest("eggs"))
          _ <- Option("dummy")
          _ = "dummy"
          _ = assert(implicitly[ImplicitTest] eq it)
        } yield "ok"
      • destructuring Either, etc
        def getCounts: Either[String, (Int, Int)] = Right(1,1)
        for {
          (x, y) <- getCounts
        } yield x + y
        without a plugin - compilation error
        value withFilter is not a member of Either[String,(Int, Int)]
        [error]       (x, y) <- getCounts
        [error]                 ^
        with plugin - compiles to
          .map(_ match { case (x, y) => x + y })
  • semanticdb-scalac
    • compiler plugin that generates SemanticDB on compile
    • injects itself immediately after the typer phase of the Scala compiler and then harvests and dumps semantic information from Scalac in SemanticDB format
  • cross compilation
    • prerequisite
      • scala full version: 2.12.12
        • useful for things that access the underlying compiler API which doesn't retain binary compatibility
        • example
          • compiler plugins like the kind projector
      • scala binary version: 2.12
        • useful because libraries compiled using a different but binary compatible version can be used in your project without any problems
        • example
          • using Scala 2.13.3 you can use a library that was compiled using 2.13.0 or 2.13.4 but not one compiled using 2.12.12
    • cross method
      • equivalent
        "a" % "b" % "1.0"
        ("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.disabled)
        "a" %% "b" % "1.0"
        ("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.binary)
      • set full Scala version instead of the binary Scala version:
        ("a" % "b" % "1.0").cross(CrossVersion.full)


Introduction to sbt basics (multimodule setup, plugins, compiler plugins), testcontainers and shared resources in tests.







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