First GitHub Classroom Assignment for APCS This is designed/intended to be a discovery type lab/assignment where students learn by Fire. Yes - we throw you to the wolves and you learn to swim with a 5 lb weight belt attached.jk.
Seriously, I believe git to be one of the most universally adopted and used tools in many production and open source environments for folks of all skill levels to learn to recognize what git is and what it is not.
- A cloud based IDE
- a private store for your code
- a money making venture
- a cloud (and desktop) based collaboration tool for
- version control and issue tracking
- release management and real time (nearly) collaboration* this depends on how you configure your local machine'
- a cool tool that all the hipsters are using
- Understanding Git and Collaboration Software
- Learn about Git and Git Desktop
- Watch Video Tutorial on Commits, Forks and More
- Try your hand at forking an assignment