I'm Mücahit Bektaş, software developer👨🏻💻from İstanbul. I'm an open-source profession and mostly develop in C/C++ and Python 🐍.
class WhoAmI:
user = 'mucahitbektas'
current_edu = "IAU"
working_on = "DeepLearningApplications"
hobbies = [
'Sci-Fi Movies',
def getCity(self):
return Istanbul_Türkiye(🇹🇷)
def oneDayCycle(self):
- 💼 I’m pursuing a B.Sc. Computer Science degree in computer science.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Trading
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Tensorflow-Keras and Hybrid Cloud
- 🤔 My research interests are with Blockchain Systems, Deep Learning, Computer Vision etc
- 🔍 I’m looking for career opportunities in the aerospace industry
- 💬 Feel free to discuss with me about Clustering Algorithms, Deep Learning applications, Blockchain(Smart contracts, DApps)
- 👀 See my Personal Portfolio to get more info