🔭 I’m currently working on;
〰 Swift
〰 iOS Development -
🌱 I’m currently learning;
〰 Swift
〰 To be a medium writer -
💬 Ask me about anything and we try to find out together
📫 How to reach me: You can reach me via my email address or social media platforms
⚡ Fun fact: My spirit is so hungry for information, opportunities and new challenges 😎
Languages and Tools that I'm Using:
➰ XCode
➰ Swift
➰ Unity
➰ Git
➰ Github
➰ Github Desktop
➰ Adobe XD
➰ One Note
➰ Netbeans Swing
➰ Java
➰ C#
➰ C
➰ C++
➰ Azure DevOps
➰ Playfab
➰ Microsoft Teams
➰ Visual Studio Code
➰ Microsoft Azure
➰ OBS Studio
PS. You can contact with me anytime by clicking my social media icons above.
PS2. I'm also a gamer. If you want to play games with me you can also add my steam account specified at the beginning of this writing 😊.