Webpage is to view the overall product features like the mobile devices, audio devices, lide devices, smart watches, etc.. We were 4 Members in a team to complete the project within 5days.
- Functional landing page.
- Google authentication implemented for signin.
- Navigation and Slider images and Videos added functionally in landing page.
- All Product page shows the over all product images and some details.
- Over all product features added to particular product page..
- All product page has minimize and maximize the product section.
- Aakash:https://github.com/aakash
- Nayab:https://github.com/nayab
- Chanddu:https://github.com/chanddu
Landing Page:
Carousel: (Slider)
Landing Page Functional Cards:
Video Section:
Landing Page Footer:
All Product Page:
Product Features Page:
SignIn Signup Page: