hi, I'm Muhammad Avicena. In this repo, I build phone-book app using Next.js with TypeScript based, emotion js, validation with Formik & yup, unit test by Jest. This project is intended for GoTo project assignment.
I am committed to staying up-to-date with industry trends and using the latest tools to develop innovative solutions that surpass expectations. Interested to have collaboration ? Find me on:
- React + Next.js
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
- ApolloClient
- Unit test by Jest
- External/Internal Source:
- CSS in Js (Emotion)
- SweetAlert2 for alert
- Formik & Yup for validation
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/muhammad-avicena/phonebook-goto-nextjs.git
# Change directory
cd phonebook-goto-nextjs
# Intall dependancy
pnpm install | npm install | yarn install
# Run the project
pnpm run dev | npm run dev | yarn run dev
The project has been successfully deployed using Vercel. You can access the production version of the website by following this link: https://phonebook-goto.avicena.dev.
Feel free to explore the website and try out the different features. I appreciate any feedback and suggestions to further improve the user experience.