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Releases: muhammadasif-cse/muhammadasif

Muhammad Asif

11 Sep 15:40
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Muhammad Asif Pre-release

Release Tag: v1.0.0

Description: Personal Portfolio Website - Showcase of Skills and Work

This release marks the launch of my personal portfolio website, a platform where I showcase my skills, projects, and achievements as a Full Stack Developer. It offers visitors a glimpse into my expertise, work history, and the technologies I'm proficient in.

Explore my portfolio to learn more about my journey and capabilities in the world of web development and technology.

Key Features:

  • Skill Showcase: Highlighting my proficiency in various technologies.
  • Project Display: Showcasing the projects I've worked on.
  • Work History: Providing insights into my professional experience.
  • Technology Stack: Listing the technologies I'm proficient in.

Feel free to check out the live portfolio and get to know more about my passion for web development.

Getting Started

To view the source code and contribute, visit the GitHub repository.

Thank you for your interest in my work!