- Includes agent code that will deploy in devices. Initially as a Docker container that can be deployed in any Unix-like OS, needs to provide:
- Allows to build your own custom agent with the commands:
export VERSION=### && make build && make tag
- Allows to run Multa Metrics Agent using docker CLI using the command:
docker run -e DEVICE_NAME=${DEVICE_NAME} -e DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_URL=https://cvm-agent.dev.multa.io/multa-agent/ --net=host --restart always --privileged -d --name multa-agent 112646120612.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/multa-agent:0.0.1
- Allows to run Multa Metrics Agent using docker-compose command:
docker-compose up
If the container has not been run:
make build && make tag && {RUN COMMAND}
After adding some code, for local testing execute if the container is running:
docker container stop multa-agent && docker container rm multa-agent && make build && make tag && {RUN COMMAND}
To debug code running in the container:
docker logs --tail 100 multa-agent
To cleanup container completely run:
docker container stop multa-agent && docker container rm multa-agent && docker volume rm device-data
- Will be updated later to include AWS IoT Device Defender
- Can be later updated ot include AWS Greengrass and make it a truly reporting agent/gateway