A terminal written in PyQt6 for the Emacs Application Framework.
Install EAF first, then add below code in your emacs config:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/emacs-application-framework/")
(require 'eaf)
(require 'eaf-pyqterminal)
It is recommended to install Nerd Fonts to
support icon display, after install Nerd Fonts, remember set option
Package Description pyte terminal emulator psutil get child process information pywinpty (only Windows) pty on Windows
Key | Event |
C-S-v |
yank_text |
C-a |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-b |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-c C-c |
eaf-send-second-key-sequence |
C-c C-x |
eaf-send-second-key-sequence |
C-c C-m |
eaf-send-second-key-sequence |
C-d |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-e |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-f |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-g |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-h |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-j |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-k |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-l |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-n |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-o |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-p |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-r |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-s |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-t |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-u |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-v |
scroll_down_page |
C-w |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
C-y |
yank_text |
C-z |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
M-f |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
M-b |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
M-d |
eaf-send-key-sequence |
M-c |
toggle_cursor_move_mode |
M-k |
scroll_up |
M-j |
scroll_down |
M-v |
scroll_up_page |
M-< |
scroll_to_begin |
M-> |
scroll_to_bottom |
M-w |
copy_text |
eaf-send-alt-backspace-sequence |
M-<backspace> |
eaf-send-alt-backspace-sequence |
C-M-f |
open_link |
<escape> |
eaf-send-escape-key |
Cursor Move Mode allows you to move cursor in the screen.
Key | Event |
j |
next_line |
k |
previous_line |
l |
next_character |
h |
previous_character |
e |
next_word |
E |
next_symbol |
b |
previous_word |
B |
previous_symbol |
J |
scroll_down |
K |
scroll_up |
H |
move_beginning_of_line |
L |
move_end_of_line |
d |
scroll_down_page |
u |
scroll_up_page |
v |
toggle_mark |
y |
copy_text |
i |
copy_word |
I |
copy_symbol |
f |
open_link |
q |
toggle_cursor_move_mode |
C-a |
move_beginning_of_line |
C-e |
move_end_of_line |
C-n |
next_line |
C-p |
previous_line |
C-f |
next_character |
C-b |
previous_character |
C-v |
scroll_down_page |
M-f |
next_word |
M-F |
next_symbol |
M-b |
previous_word |
M-B |
previous_symbol |
M-v |
scroll_up_page |
M-c |
toggle_cursor_move_mode |
M-w |
copy_text |
M-d |
copy_word |
M-D |
copy_symbol |
toggle_mark |
C-M-f |
open_link |
EAF PyQterminal uses code of these projects:
There will not be this project if there aren't those contributer: