Munkireport 2.0.5
2.0.5 (Januari 13, 2014)
- Updated to Bootstrap 3.0.2
- Fixed printing
- Fixed disk_info reporting
- Fixed munkireport counters when munki server unreachable
- Fixed purchase date calculation
- Moved to modular reporting
- Added german localization (thanks to @fridomac)
- Added proxy support for Apple Warranty Lookup
- Added LDAP authentication
- Added AD authentication (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Extended AD bind reporting (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Added support for https redirecting (thanks to @nbalonso)
- Documentation updates
- Some UI changes
There are some changes in the database setup, if you are upgrading from a previous version, you should:
- Make a backup of your database
- Add the following line to config.php:
$conf['allow_migrations'] = TRUE;
This will automatically migrate your database to the correct version.
- If you want your clients to get the new directory services report, you have to push a new client version.