(work in progress) Render Abjad scores (Lylipond) using SuperCollider Patterns.
- SuperCollider 3.7+
- Lilypond 2.18+
- Python 3 and pip
Open a new document on your SuperCollider IDE and type:
Then, on a terminal, go to the Quark directory and install AbjadOSC server:
pip install -r requirements.txt
First run AbjadOSC server from the Quark directory:
Then, on SC, for example:
~score = AbjadScore.new;
// you can connect to a remote AbjadOSC server at for example:
//~score = AbjadScore.new("", 5005);
~foo = ~score.notes(\foo, Pbind(
\voice, \upper,
\dur, Pseq([Pn(1/12,6),1/4,Pn(1/6, 3),1/4, Pn(1/16, 4) ], repeats: 1),
\octave, 4,
\degree, Pser([0, 2, 6], 16),
// oneshot messages
~foo.slur([4, 7]);
~foo.textSpanner([4], "aire", "tono", staff_padding: 6);
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/munshkr/AbjadScore.sc. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.