3.5 improvements
Kafkawize 3.5
Kafkawize is a Kafka Topic management tool (A Web application) which automates the process of creating and browsing Kafka components, by introducing roles/authorizations to users of various teams of an organization
Changes include
- About 320 Unit tests. Above 85% code coverage.
- Integration tests for both stores Cassandra and Rdbms, with EmbeddedCassandra and Embedded H2 sql database
- New UI for viewing topics
- New UI for viewing acls of topic
- New UI for approving topics
- New UI for approving acls
- New UI for login screen
- New UI for Dashboard, showing cluster api status and kafka cluster statuses
- Added License key validation
- Bug fixes and code enhancements
There are several other changes and upgraded dependencies which improved the code quality and efficiency.