Set up a MERN stack - capture user information - capture what stories a user likes
- MongoDB — document database
- Express(.js) — Node.js web framework
- React(.js) — a client-side JavaScript framework
- Node(.js) — the premier JavaScript web server
- attach the NYTimes API
- use Tailwinds to make it look nice
- create a react app that uses React Hooks
- set up Node
- set up Express
- set up a MongoDB
- Rewrite in Typescript vs javascript which it is in now.
- have a user sign in and save users in database
- have a seperate favorites page that can hold information from the api into a database
Attach OpenAi Api and have an option to take the information from a single story from the NYT api and write a "NYT style article" from the inforation given by the NYT api.
- click on artice and have an iframe of the NYT real article
- split screen where one side is the real article and the other side is ChatGPT writing from the prompt: "Write a New York Times Style article that is 3 paragraphs long including the following information: [article summary from the API]"
- This project uses the NYTimes API
- JavaScript and React.js
- set up an account at NYTimes API
- generate an api key for Top Stories API
- create a .env folder in the root and add REACT_APP_API_KEY='yourkey'