AutoIT script for downloading subtitles from
To use this you will need:
- AutoIT version
- JSON UDF by Ward and Jos
- autoit-winhttp
- WebDriver UDF by Danp2
- WebDriver for Chrome version 93
- Google Chrome version 93
For all the UDF and WebDriver executable, you will need to put it along with the script
The content of the directory should be look like this:
Inside the script, you can call _DoDownloadSubs with three arguments:
- Link to the subscene specific movie page, e.g. ""
- File name of the movie, e.g. "The.Queen's.Corgi.2019" (optional, default is last part of the subscene's link)
- Folder where you want to put the downloaded subtitles, e.g. "C:\Users\User1\Downloads\Video\The.Queen's.Corgi.2019" (optional, default is last part of the subscene's link within current user's download directory)
You can add or remove language to be downloaded by changing array $language on line 20. If the subtitle in the language you specified doesn't exist, it will be skipped.
If only one subtitle available for the language to be dowloaded, it get skipped.