Generic helm chart for all kind of applications
To install the chart with the release name my-application in namespace test:
helm repo add stakater
helm repo update
helm install my-application stakater/application --namespace test
To uninstall the chart:
helm delete <name-of-the-chart>
Name | Description | Value |
applicationName | Name of the application | application |
namespaceOverride | Override default release namespace with a custom value | application | | Label to define application group | com.stakater.platform | | Label to define team | stakater |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.enabled | Enable deployment on helm chart deployments | true |
deployment.strategy | Strategy for updating deployments | RollingUpdate |
deployment.reloadOnChange | Reload deployment if configMap/secret mounted are updated | true |
deployment.nodeSelector | Select node to deploy this application | {} |
deployment.hostAliases | Adding entries to a Pod's /etc/hosts file provides Pod-level override of hostname resolution when DNS and other options are not applicable | [] |
deployment.additionalLabels | Additional labels for Deployment | {} |
deployment.podLabels | Additional label added on pod which is used in Service's Label Selector | {} |
deployment.annotations | Annotations on deployments | {} |
deployment.additionalPodAnnotation | Additional Pod Annotations added on pod created by this Deployment | {} |
deployment.replicas | Replicas to be created | 2 |
deployment.imagePullSecrets | Secrets used to pull image | "" |
deployment.env | Environment variables to be passed to the app container | {} |
deployment.volumes | Volumes to be added to the pod | {} |
deployment.volumeMounts | Mount path for Volumes | {} |
deployment.command | Command for primary container of deployment | [] |
deployment.args | Arg for primary container of deployment | [] |
deployment.tolerations | Taint tolerations for nodes | [] |
deployment.affinity | Affinity for pod/node | [] |
deployment.ports | Ports for primary container | [] |
deployment.securityContext | Security Context for the pod | {} |
deployment.additionalContainers | Add additional containers besides init and app containers | `[] |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.resources | Application pod resource requests & limits | See below |
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 0.5
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 0.1
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.initContainers | Init containers which runs before the app container | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.fluentdConfigAnnotations | Annotations for fluentd Configurations | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.image.repository | Image repository for the application | repository/image-name |
deployment.image.tag | Tag of the application Image | v1.0.0 |
deployment.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for the application image | IfNotPresent |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.envFrom | Environment variables to be picked from configmap or secret | {} |
deployment.envFrom.type | Type of data i.e. Configmap or Secret | `` | | Name of Configmap or Secret, if set empty, set to application name | `` |
deployment.envFrom.nameSuffix | Suffix Name of Configmap or Secret, applicationName is appended as prefix | `` |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.readinessProbe.enabled | Enabled readiness probe | true |
deployment.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. | 3 |
deployment.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Perform probe everytime after specified periodSeconds | 10 |
deployment.readinessProbe.successThreshold | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. | 1 |
deployment.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Number of seconds after which the probe times out. | 1 |
deployment.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated. | 10 |
deployment.readinessProbe.httpGet | Describes an action based on HTTP Get requests | path: '/path' port: 8080 |
deployment.readinessProbe.exec | Kubelet executes the specified command to perform the probe | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.livenessProbe.enabled | Enabled livenessProbe probe | true |
deployment.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | When a probe fails, Kubernetes will try failureThreshold times before giving up. | 3 |
deployment.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Perform probe everytime after specified periodSeconds | 10 |
deployment.livenessProbe.successThreshold | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. | 1 |
deployment.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Number of seconds after which the probe times out. | 1 |
deployment.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness or readiness probes are initiated. | 10 |
deployment.livenessProbe.httpGet | Describes an action based on HTTP Get requests | path: '/path' port: 8080 |
deployment.livenessProbe.exec | Kubelet executes the specified command to perform the probe | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.openshiftOAuthProxy.enabled | Add Openshift OAuth Proxy as SideCar Container | false |
deployment.openshiftOAuthProxy.port | Application port so proxy should forward to this port | 8080 |
deployment.openshiftOAuthProxy.secretName | Secret name containing the TLS cert | openshift-oauth-proxy-tls |
Name | Description | Value |
deployment.dnsConfig | Enable pod disruption budget | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
pdb.enabled | Enable pod disruption budget | false |
pdb.minAvailable | The number of pods that must be available after the eviction. If both minAvailable and maxUnavailable is set, minAvailable is preferred | 1 |
pdb.maxUnavailable | The number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction. Either minAvailable or maxUnavailable needs to be provided | `` |
Name | Description | Value |
persistence.enabled | Enable persistence | false |
persistence.mountPVC | Whether to mount the created PVC to the deployment | false |
persistence.mountPath | If persistence.mountPVC is set, so where to mount the volume in the deployment |
/ |
persistence.accessMode | Access mode for volume | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.storageClass | StorageClass of the volume | - |
persistence.additionalLabels | Additional labels for persistent volume | {} |
persistence.annotations | Annotations for persistent volume | {} |
persistence.storageSize | Size of the persistent volume | |
8Gi |
Name | Description | Value |
service.enabled | Enable service in helm chart | true |
service.additionalLabels | Additional labels for service | {} |
service.annotations | Annotations for service | {} |
service.ports | Ports for applications service | - port: 8080 name: http protocol: TCP targetPort: 8080 |
Name | Description | Value |
ingress.enabled | Enable ingress | false |
ingress.servicePort | Port of the service that serves pod | 8080 |
ingress.pathType | Each path in an Ingress is required to have a corresponding path type of ingress hosts to validate rules properly | ImplementationSpecific |
ingress.hosts | Array of FQDN hosts to be served by this ingress | - chart-example.local |
ingress.additionalLables | Labels for ingress | {} |
ingress.annotations | Annotations for ingress | {} |
ingress.tls | TLS block for ingress | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
route.enabled | Enable Route incase of Openshift | false | | Host of route. If no host is added then openshift inserts the default hostname | nil |
route.annotations | Annotations for route | {} |
route.additionalLables | Labels for route | {} |
route.port.targetPort | Port of the service that serves pods | http |
route.wildcardPolicy | Route wildcard policy | None |
route.tls.termination | TLS termination strategy | edge |
route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy | TLS termination policy for insecure traffic | Redirect |
| route.path | path of route traffic | ``
Stakater Forecastle parameters
Name | Description | Value |
forecastle.enabled | Enable Forecastle | false |
forecastle.additionalLabels | Additional labels for Forecastle Custom Resource | {} |
forecastle.icon | URL of application icon display on forecastle dashboard | |
forecastle.displayName | Name of the application to be displayed on Forecastle dashboard | application | | Group application on Forecastle dashboard | if not defined Namespace name is used | | Additional properties for Custom Resource | {} |
forecastle.networkRestricted | Whether app is network restricted or not | false |
Name | Description | Value |
rbac.enabled | Enable RBAC | true |
rbac.serviceAccount.enabled | Enable serviceAccount | false | | Name of the existing serviceAccount | "" |
rbac.serviceAccount.additionalLabels | Labels for serviceAccount | {} |
rbac.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations for serviceAccount | {} |
rbac.roles | Array of roles | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
configMap.enabled | Enable configMaps | false |
configMap.additionalLabels | Labels for configMaps | {} |
configMap.annotations | Annotations for configMaps | {} |
configMap.files | Map of configMap files with suffixes and data contained in those files | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
secret.enabled | Enable secret | false |
secret.additionalLabels | Labels for secret | {} |
secret.annotations | Annotations for secret | {} |
secret.files | Map of secret files with suffixes and data contained in those files | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable serviceMonitor | false |
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | Labels for serviceMonitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.annotations | Annotations for serviceMonitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.jobLabel | Job Label used for application selector | k8s-app |
serviceMonitor.endpoints | Array of endpoints to be scraped by prometheus | - interval: 5s path: /actuator/prometheus port: http |
Name | Description | Value |
autoscaling.enabled | Enable horizontal pod autoscaler | false |
autoscaling.additionalLabels | Labels for horizontal pod autoscaler | {} |
autoscaling.annotations | Annotations for horizontal pod autoscaler | {} |
autoscaling.minReplicas | Sets minimum replica count when autoscaling is enabled | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | Sets maximum replica count when autoscaling is enabled | 10 |
autoscaling.metrics | Configuration for hpa metrics, set when autoscaling is enabled | {} |
Stakater IngressMonitorController EndpointMonitor parameters
Name | Description | Value |
endpointMonitor.enabled | Enable endpointMonitor for IMC ( | false |
endpointMonitor.additionalLabels | Labels for endpointMonitor | {} |
endpointMonitor.annotations | Annotations for endpointMonitor | {} |
endpointMonitor.additionalConfig | Additional Config for endpointMonitor | {} |
Name | Description | Value |
sealedSecret.enabled | Enable sealed secret | false |
sealedSecret.additionalLabels | Labels for sealed secret | {} |
sealedSecret.annotations | Annotations that apply to all sealed secrets created under files |
{} |
sealedSecret.files | Map of secret files with name and encrypted data contained in those files | {} |
sealedSecret.files.[name].annotations | Annotations that apply to the secret created through sealed secret | {} |
sealedSecret.files.[name].labels | Labels that apply to the secret created through sealed secret | {} |
sealedSecret.files.[name].type | Type of secret created through sealed secret | Opaque |
sealedSecret.files.[name].clusterWide | When set to true, adds annotation true to the secret created through sealed secret, setting the scope of the secret to cluster wide. |
false |
Name | Description | Value |
certificate.enabled | Enable Certificate Custom Resource | false |
certificate.enabled | Enable Certificate Custom Resource | false |
certificate.additionalLabels | Additional labels for Certificate Custom Resource | {} |
certificate.annotations | Annotations for Certificate Custom Resource | {} |
certificate.secretName | SecretName is the name of the secret resource that will be automatically created and managed by this Certificate resource | tls-cert |
certificate.duration | The requested ‘duration’ (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate | 8760h0m0s |
certificate.renewBefore | The amount of time before the currently issued certificate’s notAfter time that cert-manager will begin to attempt to renew the certificate | 720h0m0s |
certificate.subject | Full X509 name specification for certificate | {} |
certificate.commonName | CommonName is the common name as specified on the DER encoded CSR | admin-app |
certificate.keyAlgorithm | KeyAlgorithm is the private key algorithm of the corresponding private key for this certificate | rsa |
certificate.keyEncoding | KeyEncoding is the private key cryptography standards (PKCS) for this certificate’s private key to be encoded in | pkcs1 |
certificate.keySize | KeySize is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate | 2048 |
certificate.isCA | IsCA will mark this Certificate as valid for certificate signing | false |
certificate.usages | Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate | {} |
certificate.dnsNames | DNSNames is a list of DNS subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. | {} |
certificate.ipAddresses | IPAddresses is a list of IP address subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. | {} |
certificate.uriSANs | URISANs is a list of URI subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. | {} |
certificate.emailSANs | EmailSANs is a list of email subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. | {} |
certificate.privateKey.enabled | Enable private key for the certificate | false |
certificate.privateKey.rotationPolicy | Denotes how private keys should be generated or sourced when a Certificate is being issued. | Always | | IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this certificate. Name of the resource being referred to | ca-issuer |
certificate.issuerRef.kind | Kind of the resource being referred to | ClusterIssuer |
certificate.keystores.enabled | Enables keystore configuration. Keystores configures additional keystore output formats stored in the secretName Secret resource | false |
certificate.keystores.pkcs12.create | Enables PKCS12 keystore creation for the Certificate. PKCS12 configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in the spec.secretName Secret resource | true |
certificate.keystores.pkcs12.key | The key of the entry in the Secret resource’s data field to be used | test_key | | The name of the Secret resource being referred to | test-creds |
certificate.keystores.jks.create | Enables jks keystore creation for the Certificate. JKS configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the spec.secretName Secret resource | false |
certificate.keystores.jks.key | The key of the entry in the Secret resource’s data field to be used | test_key | | The name of the Secret resource being referred to | test-creds |
Name | Description | Value |
alertmanagerConfig.enabled | Enable alertmanagerConfig for this app (Will be merged in the base config) | false |
alertmanagerConfig.selectionLabels | Labels for this config to be selected for merging in alertmanager base config | alertmanagerConfig: "workload" |
alertmanagerConfig.spec.route | The Alertmanager route definition for alerts matching the resource’s namespace. It will be added to the generated Alertmanager configuration as a first-level route | {} |
alertmanagerConfig.spec.receivers | List of receivers | [] |
alertmanagerConfig.spec.inhibitRules | InhibitRule defines an inhibition rule that allows to mute alerts when other alerts are already firing | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
prometheusRule.enabled | Enable prometheusRule for this app | false |
prometheusRule.additionalLabels | Kubernetes labels object, these additional labels will be added to PrometheusRule CRD | {} |
prometheusRule.spec.groups | PrometheusRules in their groups to be added | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
secretProviderClass.enabled | Enables Secret Provider Class Custom Resource | false | | Name of Secret Provider Class Custom Resource | "" |
secretProviderClass.provider | Provider of Secret Provider Class Custom Resource | "" |
secretProviderClass.vaultAddress | Address of vault | "" |
secretProviderClass.roleName | Name of the role being referred to in vault | "" |
secretProviderClass.objects | The object created from the secret in vault | [] |
secretProviderClass.secretObjects | This creates the kubernetes secret | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
externalSecret.enabled | Enables External Secret Custom Resource | false | | Defines name of default SecretStore to use when fetching the secret data | tenant-vault-secret-store |
externalSecret.secretStore.kind | Defines kind as SecretStore or ClusterSecretStore | SecretStore |
externalSecret.refreshInterval | Amount of time before the values reading again from the SecretStore provider | 1m |
externalSecret.files | Array of secret files with name and remote reference data contained in those files | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
networkPolicy.enabled | Enable NetworkPolicy | false |
networkPolicy.additionalLabels | Kubernetes labels object | {} |
networkPolicy.annotations | Annotations for NetworkPolicy | {} |
networkPolicy.ingress | Ingress ruels for NetworkPolicy | [] |
networkPolicy.egress | egress rules for NetworkPolicy | [] |
Name | Description | Value |
grafanaDashboard.enabled | Enables Grafana Dashboard | false |
grafanaDashboard.additionalLabels | Kubernetes labels object | {} |
grafanaDashboard.annotations | Annotations for Grafana Dashboard | {} |
grafanaDashboard.contents.key | Used as name of Grafana Dashboard object | "" |
grafanaDashboard.contents.key.json | json string used as content of Grafana Dashboard object | "" |
grafanaDashboard.contents.key.url | Url used to fetch dashboard content. According to GrafanaDashboard behavior, if both url and json are specified then the GrafanaDashboard content will be updated with fetched content from url | "" |
Name | Description | Value |
cronJob.enabled |
Enable cronjob in application chart | "" | |
cronjobs spec | {} |
Job paramater for each cronjob object at
Name | Description |
<name>.schedule |
Schedule of cronjob |
<name>.image.repository |
Repository of container image of cronjob |
<name>.image.tag |
Tag of container image of cronjob |
<name>.image.imagePullPolicy |
ImagePullPolicy of container image ofcronjob |
<name>.command |
Command of container of job |
<name>.args |
Args of container of job |
<name>.resources |
Resources of container of job |
<name>.additionalLabels |
Additional labels of cronjob |
<name>.annotations |
Annotation of cronjob |
<name>.successfulJobsHistoryLimit |
Successful jobs historyLimit of cronjob |
<name>.concurrencyPolicy |
ConcurrencyPolicy of cronjob |
<name>.failedJobsHistoryLimit |
FailedJobsHistoryLimit of cronjob |
<name>.volumeMounts |
Volume mounts of cronjob |
<name>.volumes |
Volumes of cronjob |
<name>.nodeSelector |
Node selector of cronjob |
<name>.affinity |
Affinity of cronjob |
<name>.tolerations |
Tolerations of cronjob |
<name>.restartPolicy |
RestartPolicy of cronjob |
<name>.imagePullSecrets |
ImagePullSecrets of cronjob |
Name format of ConfigMap, Secret, SealedSecret and ExternalSecret is {{ template "" $ }}-{{ $nameSuffix }}
{{ template "" }}
is a helper function that outputs.Values.applicationName
if exist else return chart name as outputnameSuffix
is the each key insecret.files
For example if we have following values file:
applicationName: helloworld # {{ template "" $ }}
config: # {{ $nameSuffix }}
key: value
then the configmap name will be helloworld-config
In order to use environment variable in deployment or cronjob, you will have to provide environment variable in key/value pair in env
value. where key being environment variable key and value varies in different scenarios
For simple key/value environment variable, just provide
value: <value>
env: KEY: value: MY_VALUE
To get environement variable value from ConfigMap
Suppose we have configmap created from applicaion chart
applicationName: my-application configMap: enabled: true files: application-config: LOG: DEBUG VERBOSE: v1
To get environment variable value from above created configmap, we will need to add following
env: APP_LOG_LEVEL: valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: my-application-appication-config key: LOG
To get all environment variables key/values from ConfigMap, where configmap key being key of environment variable and value being value
envFrom: application-config-env: type: configmap nameSuffix: application-config
you can either provide
which means name added after prefix<applicationName>-
or static name withname
of configmap. -
To get environment variable value from Secret
Suppose we have secret created from application chart
applicationName: my-application secret: enabled: true files: db-credentials: PASSWORD: skljd#2Qer!! USER: postgres
To get environment variable value from above created secret, we will need to add following
env: KEY: valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: my-application-db-credentials key: USER
To get environement variable value from Secret, where secret key being key of environment variable and value being value
envFrom: database-credentials: type: secret nameSuffix: db-credentials
you can either provide
which means name added after prefix<applicationName>-
or static name withname
of secretNote: first key after
is just used to uniquely identify different objects inenvFrom
block. Make sure to keep it unique and relevant
By default probe handler type is httpGet
. You just need to override port
and path
as per your need.
enabled: true
path: '/path'
port: 8080
In order to use exec
handler, you can define field livenessProbe.exec
in your values.yaml.
enabled: true
- cat
- /tmp/healthy
To disable liveness or readiness probe, set value of enabled:
to false
enabled: false
All notable changes to this project will be documented here
- Fix: remove network policy default value
- Feature: add functionality to set
in sealed secrets - Feature: add functionality for adding annotation for
in sealed secrets - Feature: add functionality to add
to each sealed secret separately - Feature: add functionality to add
to each sealed secret separately
- Feature: add functionality to disable liveness and readiness probes.
- Feature: support
handler type in liveness and readiness probes - Feature: support for setting individual values for probe configuration is added.
- Fix: add an application name prefix in the external secret name.