First edit connection string on appsetting.json in KUSYS-Demo.UI Project like below:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=KUSYSDB;Integrated Security=True;"
Go Packager Manager Console
Select Default Project as "KUSYS-Demo.Infastructure"
Run "update-database"
After doing these, your local or remote db will be initialized. \
Run the "KUSYS-Demo.UI" project.
Account/Login screen will be apperead.
You can login with admin user credentials:
Password: mypassword_?
As Admin User,
You can list students, create update or delete any student
Assign courses to students,
List matched course and students.
When you create a new student, a new user will be created together. And default user password will be "Password_123" You can also change it from AppSetting.json file
So, you can login with email specified and default password above.
- Dotnet 6 Core Mvc Razor
- Ef Core 6 Code First
- Core Identity
- Generic Repository
- Unit of Work
- Admin LTE 3 Boostrap Admin UI Templates