This package provides functions for merging raw .csv-files into single household/personal level datafile.
This package is not in CRAN and you can only install it through github.
For that you need [devtools](
-package that you can install from CRAN with install.packages("devtools")
Once installed you can install r.eusilc with following code:
Get the documentation by running
See package vignette at
This work can be freely used, modified and distributed under the open license specified in the DESCRIPTION file.
Kindly cite the work as follows
To cite package ‘r.eusilc’ in publications use:
Markus Kainu (2014). r.eusilc: Merge eu-silc cross-sectional and longitudinal raw .csv datasets. R package version 0.3.0.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {r.eusilc: Merge eu-silc cross-sectional and longitudinal raw .csv datasets},
author = {Markus Kainu},
year = {2014},
note = {R package version 0.3.0},
url = {},
ATTENTION: This citation information has been auto-generated from the package DESCRIPTION file and may need manual editing, see ‘help("citation")’.