This repo contains the code for the muzzley C++ client library.
This library depends on:
- GCC 4.5+
- pthread
- rt
- autotools
- libtool
- OpenSSL's libssl and libcrypto (libraries and development packages)
Current version: 0.0.3 - Please read since this version contains breaking changes
To install this library reproduce the following steps on a terminal:
$ curl -Lk -o
$ unzip
$ cd muzzley-client-cpp-master/
$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install
The library will be located in /usr/lib
and the header files (*.h) will be located in /usr/include
If you want another target instalation directory, just pass it to the ./configure --prefix=[your prefix] instalation command. Just don't forget to pass a -I[your prefix] flag to your compilation command.
The library depend on the OpenSSL library, more specifically, on the libssl and libcrypto libraries and development packages, since the connection is SSL/TLS-wrapped by default. To disable SSL/TLS support see section Disabling SSL support below. Note that we strongly discourage you disabling this capabilities, this parameter is available for chipsets that have specialized components that handle encryption/decryption.
When connecting to the muzzley cloud platform, SSL/TLS connections are enabled by default. To disable SSL/TLS wrapping, you must pass the --disable-ssl parameter to the configure command:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-ssl
Note that we strongly discourage you disabling this capabilities, this parameter is available for chipsets that have specialized components that handle encryption/decryption.
If you decide to disable SSL, you should exclude the linkage options -lssl -lcrypto when compiling your application (see examples below).
Being the purpose of this library to interact with the Muzzley platform, you may need to make HTTP request to the Muzzle API. Hence, an HTTP(s) abstraction classes are supplied. To build and install this features as a part of the library, you must provide the --enable-http argument to the configure script:
Note that this features don't replicate an HTTP(s) client since they do not implement the full HTTP protocol (redirection, content acceptance features, content type validations, etc). That task is passed on to you, if you would like to take advantage of all features of the HTTP protocol.
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-http
The classes depend on the OpenSSL library, more specifically, on the libssl and libcrypto libraries and development packages.
See the HTTP(s) support section, below.
If you want to inspect the messages being exchanged by the library, you must provide the --enable-logs argument to the configure script:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-logs
In the Examples
folder, you can find several examples of muzzley-enabled applications for the Intel Galileo and other generic platforms.
: A generic muzzley-enabled application.galileo_app.cpp
: A Intel Galileo specific example that can be used to turn an LED on and off using your smartphone.user.cpp
: An example of how to connect to an activity as a user and thus simulate being the muzzley smartphone application.app_pubsub.cpp
: An example of how to use the Pub/Sub communication pattern.
To compile and run the Galileo example, for instance, you'd execute the following commands:
$ g++ -std=c++0x examples/galileo_app.cpp -o myapp -lpthread -lmuzzley -lrt -lssl -lcrypto
$ ./myapp
Once running, the application will output the Activity Id
code that can be used to pair your smartphone with it using the mobile muzzley application (Android, iPhone, Windows Phone).
You should include the muzzley.h
header file in your program, so that you can access the Muzzley classes.
Assuming that your main.cpp C++ file looks something like this:
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <muzzley/muzzley.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
muzzley::Client _client;
_client.on(muzzley::SignalingMessage, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
return true;
return 0;
A compilation command could look something like this:
$ g++ -std=c++0x main.cpp -o mymuzzley -lpthread -lmuzzley -lrt -lssl -lcrypto
This library is NOT thread safe, you'll have to implement synchronization yourself. Thread synchronization is very importante when accessing the muzzley::Client communication features, since the muzzley::socketstream class will segfault if accessed by several threads at the same time.
See the examples/multithreading.cpp file for an example on how to accomplish synchronized access to the communication features.
This library uses one of the most exciting features in C++11 standard, the Lambda-functions.
The Lambda-function declaration allows the definition of inline functions anywhere in the code, a lot like every other coding-ninja-favourite languages such as JavaScript, Python, etc. This makes the event handling programming more coeherent with nowadays coding habits and makes C++ a less rigid OO language and lot friendlier for programming paradigms that fall outside OO.
Let's look at an example:
muzzley::Client _client;
_client.on(muzzley::SignalingMessage, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
return true;
Here is an excellent article on the subject.
Your program's interaction with this library is centered in 3 simple and well defined areas:
- muzzley::Client class instance declaration (initializes the library)
- event register (call your actions when the library receives a message) or callback register (pass a callback to be invoked when receiving a response to a given request)
- connecting the application or the user to the Muzzley server (pass an application or user token to the library and start the messaging loop)
You can register handlers for the following events:
enum EventType {
AppLoggedIn, // when the initApp method and the one-step-initialization process is ended successfully
UserLoggedIn, // when the initUser method and the one-step-initialization process is ended successfully
ActivityCreated, // when an activity is created with success
ActivityJoined, // when a response to joinActivity is finished successfully
ActivityTerminated, // when an Activity Master quits
ParticipantJoined, // when a Participant (another app or user) joins an activity
ParticipantQuit, // when a Participant quits
SignalingMessage, // when a Signaling message is received
ChangeWidget, // when a change widget request is received
SetupComponent, // when a setup component request is received
WidgetAction, // when a widget action is received
Published, // when a message is published to a given Pub/Sub channel
Publish, // to publish a message to a given Pub/Sub channel
Reconnect // to be invoked when socket hangup is detected, to determine if the library should try to reconnect
An event register could look something like this:
muzzley::Client _client;
_client.on(muzzley::SignalingMessage, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
return true;
Callback register also uses Lambda-functions, It could look something like this:
muzzley::Client _client;
_client.changeWidget(participant_id, _widget_opts, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
cout << "Widget successfully changed" << endl << flush;
return true;
When you connect and initialize the application or the user to the Muzzley server (by invoking either initApp or initUser methods), the messaging loop starts. You can either run this loop synchronously or assynchronously, depending wether you want to keep control of the program loop or not.
You control this by invoking the muzzley::Client::setLoopAssynchronous(bool _assync). Passing true value will give you back the control of the program by lanuching a thread and returning from the initApp or initUser methods. Not invoking the method or passing false value, will keep the program execution inside the library, never returning from the initApp or initUser methods.
Hence, a basic program could look something like this:
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <muzzley/muzzley.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Create the Muzzley client
muzzley::Client _client;
// Register listener to be invoked when a participant joins our activity.
// Don't bother to store the returned activityId, the Client class already does that,
// access it through the 'getActivityId' method.
// Return 'false' if you want to stop other listeners from being invoked.
_client.on(muzzley::ParticipantJoined, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
muzzley::JSONObj _s_data;
_s_data <<
"arg1"<< "value1" <<
"arg2"<< "value2";
_client.sendSignal("myAction", _s_data, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
cout << "Signal accepted by the user" << endl << flush;
return true;
// Register listener to be invoked when app receives a signal message.
// Return 'false' if you want to stop other listeners from being invoked.
_client.on(muzzley::SignalingMessage, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
cout << (string) _data[ "d" ]["a"] << endl << flush;
return true;
// Connects the application to the Muzzley server.
// It will start the application loop synchronously,
// i.e. the program will not execute anything below this line.
return 0;
When a socket hang-up is detected, either by faulty I/O operation invocation or by heartbeat timeout, the library will trigger the muzzley::Reconnect event in order to determine if it should automatically reconnect. To control the library behavior in this cases, you should register a callback for this event type, returning either a true or false value, depending on weather or not you would like to automtically reconnect:
_client.on(muzzley::Reconnect, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
// reset your app internal states here
return true;
If true is returned, the library will reset all internal states, reconnect to the server and and re-invoke one of initApp, initUser, connectApp or connectUser methods, depending on what was your initial choice. After that, the main program loop is re-estabilished. For an example, see the app_reconnect.cpp example.
Sometimes you'll need to reply to a received message. In order to do so, you may use the reply method:
virtual bool reply(muzzley::JSONObj& _data_received, muzzley::JSONObj& _reply) final;
This method receives the original received message and the data you want to reply with. The reply message fields are:
- s: A boolean representing whether the authentication request was successful (mandatory)
- m: A textual message explaining the result of the operation (optional)
- d: The aditional data (optional)
The reply method returns true if a message were sent and false if not (if the received message was of a type that doesn't require a reply, for instance).
Hence, replying, for instance, to a Signaling Message could look like this:
_client.on(muzzley::SignalingMessage, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
if (_data.isReplyNeeded()) {
_m.setStatusMessage("this is a testing signal so is always successful!");
"w" << "400" <<
"h" << "300"
_client.reply(_data, _m);
cout << "great, replied to a Signal Message" << endl << flush;
return true;
The Pub/Sub message pattern is a powerful communication mechanism that allows you to send and/or receive messages without knowing the communication actors and, therefore, not having to deal with the problems of sending messages, directly, to specific peers.
For further reading on this pattern, read the wiki page.
In order to subscribe for the messages of a given channel, an event callback must be registered for the muzzley::Published event:
muzzley::Subscription _s1;
_client.on(muzzley::Published, _s1, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
return true;
The muzzley::Subscription class is used to pass the channel identifying information. The initializing values for this class should be the same for the subscriber and the publisher.
The callback will be invoked whenever a message is published to the given channel.
In order to publish to a given channel, an event must be triggered for the muzzley::Publish event:
muzzley::Subscription _s1;
muzzley::Message _m1;
"io" << "w" <<
"data" << JSON(
"value" << 125 <<
"unit" << "lm"
_client.trigger(muzzley::Publish, _s1, _m1);
The muzzley::Message class is used to pass on the payload to be published to the given channel.
The muzzley::Subscription class is used to pass the channel identifying information. The initializing values for this class should be the same for the subscriber and the publisher.
Altough it falls a bit outside the Pub/Sub messaging pattern, this library provides the functionality for a message to be returned by a given subscriber (usefull for making request for a given property value, for instance), allowing you to use the Pub/Sub pattern to make RPC calls.
All you have to do is to pass a callback to the publish event triggering:
muzzley::Subscription _s1;
muzzley::Message _m1;
"io" << "w" <<
"data" << JSON(
"value" << 125 <<
"unit" << "lm"
_client.trigger(muzzley::Publish, _s1, _m1, [] (muzzley::Message& _data, muzzley::Client& _client) -> bool {
return true;
The muzzley::Message class is used to pass on the payload to be published to the given channel.
The muzzley::Subscription class is used to pass the channel identifying information. The initializing values for this class should be the same for the subscriber and the publisher.
The callback will be invoked if some subscriber responds to the publish.
There are two classes that you have to learn how to use in order to adequatly use this library:
- muzzley::Client: will allow you to interact with the Muzzley server, as well as with other applications and users.
- muzzley::JSONObj; will allow you to easly manage data, either when sending it or receiving it.
- muzzley::Message; extends from muzzley::JSONObj and abstract the communication protocol.
- muzzley::Subscription; extends from muzzley::JSONObj and abstract the pub-sub protocol channel property definitions.
This class aggregates a set of methods that will allow the interaction between your application and the Muzzley server. Basically, implements the Muzzley Message Protocol.
This class methods are organized in the following way:
// Intialiazition of the protocol version 1.2
// Only need to provide `_activity_id` when using a static activity token as configured at
virtual void connectApp(string _app_token, string _activity_id = "");
virtual void connectUser(string _user_token, string _activity_id);
// Intialiazition of the protocol version 2.0
virtual void initApp(string _app_token);
virtual void initUser(string _user_token);
virtual void on(muzzley::EventType _type, muzzley::Handler _handler) final;
virtual void on(muzzley::EventType _type, muzzley::Subscription& _to_property, muzzley::Callback _callback);
virtual void off(muzzley::EventType _type, muzzley::Subscription& _from_property);
virtual void trigger(muzzley::EventType _type, muzzley::Subscription& _to_property, muzzley::Message& _payload, muzzley::Callback _callback = nullptr);
NOTE: _type must be muzzley::Published or muzzley::Publish
virtual bool reply(muzzley::Message& _data_received, muzzley::Message& _reply) final;
virtual void quit();
virtual void participantQuit();
virtual void changeWidget(long _participant_id, string _widget, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void changeWidget(long _participant_id, string _widget, muzzley::JSONObj& _options, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void changeWidget(long _participant_id, muzzley::JSONObj& _options, muzzley::Callback _callback);
virtual void setupComponent(long _participant_id, string _component, string _component_id, string _action, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void setupComponent(long _participant_id, string _component, string _component_id, string _action, muzzley::JSONObj& _options, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void sendSignal(long _participant_id, string _type, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void sendSignal(long _participant_id, string _type, muzzley::JSONObj& _data, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void sendSignal(string _type, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void sendSignal(string _type, muzzley::JSONObj& _data, muzzley::Callback _callback = NULL);
virtual void sendWidgetData(string _widget, string _component, string _event_type, string _event_value);
void setLoopAssynchronous(bool _assync);
const string& getActivityId() const;
const string& getDeviceId() const;
const string& getSessionId() const;
const long getParticipantId() const;
const ParticipantList& getParticipants() const;
bool isReplyNeeded(muzzley::Message& _data_received) const;
bool isAppLoggedin() const;
bool isInitiatingMaster() const;
bool isConnected() const;
bool isLoopAssynchronous() const;
bool isStaticActivity() const;
bool isUserLoggedin() const;
This class stores JSON based message and aggregates a set of methods that allow you to access, in a fashionable manner, all the attributes and values of the object. It also allows you to construct a JSON based message from scratch.
The muzzley::JSONObj class is a smart pointer and that means that ou don't have to bother yourself with memory issues, once your done with your muzzley::JSONObj object just let it go out of it's context and thats it.
To obtain the reference for the pointed object, you may use * or ->. This means that some of muzzley::JSONObj methods are accessed through -> and others (the ones that reference the smart pointer itself) are accessed through ..
For further reading on smart pointers, please read this C++ Reference section.
This operator allows you to add attributes to your object:
muzzley::JSONObj _o;
_o << "name" << "Mr Muzzley";
_o << "serial" << 123;
_o << "sorting_field" << "name";
muzzley::JSONObj _o;
_o <<
"name" << "Mr Muzzley" <<
"serial" << 123 <<
"sorting_field" << "name";
// this one is more JSON like
To add a JSON array, use the muzzley::JSONArr class:
muzzley::JSONArr _a;
_a << 123 << 345 << 67 << 78;
muzzley::JSONArr _b;
_b << "lions" << 345 << "horses" << 78;
muzzley::JSONObj _o;
_o <<
"name" << "Mr Muzzley" <<
"serial" << 123 <<
"sorting_field" << "name" <<
"numbers" << _a <<
"animal_numbers" << _b;
You can use the JSON and JSON_ARRAY macros to build an object in one line:
muzzley::JSONObj _o = JSON(
"name" << "Mr Muzzley" <<
"serial" << 123 <<
"sorting_field" << "name" <<
"numbers" << JSON_ARRAY( 123 << 345 << 67 << 78 ) <<
"animal_numbers" << JSON_ARRAY( "lions" << 345 << "horses" << 78 ) <<
"location" << JSON(
"city" << "Lisbon" <<
"country" << "Portugal"
To access the muzzley::JSONObj values you use the [] operator (or a chain of [] operators). This operator accept either a string or a non-negative integer and returns the value associated with the given key or false (it's like an Hash map).
Casting operators are also provided, in order for you to convert the attribute value into the data type that best suits you:
operator string();
operator bool();
operator int();
operator long();
operator long long();
operator unsigned int();
operator size_t();
operator double();
operator time_t();
So, given the above example, you could use the following code:
int _serial = (int) _o["serial"];
int _first_number = (int) _o[ "numbers" ][0];
string _country = (string) _o["location"]["country"];
Since the muzzley::JSONObj is a smart pointer that references an extended std::map, iterating over it's properties follows the STL containers standards.
For instance, given the following object initialization:
muzzley::JSONObj _o = JSON(
"name" << "Mr Muzzley" <<
"serial" << 123 <<
"sorting_field" << "name" <<
"numbers" << JSON_ARRAY( 123 << 345 << 67 << 78 ) <<
"animal_numbers" << JSON_ARRAY( "lions" << 345 << "horses" << 78 ) <<
"location" << JSON(
"city" << "Lisbon" <<
"country" << "Portugal"
one could iterate over this object, using standard techniques;
for (auto _field : *_o) { // dont forget the * since you want to iterate over the pointed object
cout << " field named " << _field.first << " has the following value " << _field.second << endl << flush;
To learn more about std::map and map iterators, read this C++ Reference section.
Since the muzzley::JSONArr is a smart pointer that references an extended std::vector, iterating over it's properties follows the STL containers standards.
For instance, given the following object initialization:
muzzley::JSON _a = JSON_ARRAY( "lions" << 345 << "horses" << 78 );
one could iterate over this object, using standard techniques;
for (auto _field : *_a) { // dont forget the * since you want to iterate over the pointed object
cout << " array element is " << _field << endl << flush;
for (size_t _i = 0; _i != _a->size(); _i++) {
cout << " array element " << _i << " is " << _a[_i] << endl << flush;
To learn more about std::vector and vector iterators, read this C++ Reference section.
This class stores JSON based message, since it extende muzzley::JSONObj, and aggregates a set of helper methods that allow you to access, in a fashionable manner, the Muzzley messaging protocol relevant fields.
This class methods are organized in the following way:
virtual muzzley::MessageType getMessageType();
virtual string getCorrelationID();
virtual string getParticipantID();
virtual string getChannelID();
virtual string getAction();
virtual muzzley::JSONObj& getData();
virtual bool getStatus();
virtual string getStatusMessage();
virtual void getSubscriptionInfo(muzzley::Subscription&);
virtual void setMessageType(muzzley::MessageType _in);
virtual void setCorrelationID(string _in);
virtual void setParticipantID(string _in);
virtual void setChannelID(string _in);
virtual void setAction(string _in);
virtual void setData(muzzley::JSONObj& _in);
virtual void setStatus(bool _in);
virtual void setStatusMessage(string _in);
virtual bool isError();
virtual bool isRequest();
virtual bool isReponse();
virtual bool isReplyNeeded();
This class stores JSON based message, since it extends muzzley::JSONObj, and aggregates a set of helper methods that allow you to access, in a fashionable manner, the Muzzley Pub/Sub communication pattern channel subscription.
This class methods are organized in the following way:
virtual string getNamespace();
virtual string getProfile();
virtual string getChannel();
virtual string getComponent();
virtual string getProperty();
virtual void setNamespace(string _in);
virtual void setProfile(string _in);
virtual void setChannel(string _in);
virtual void setComponent(string _in);
virtual void setProperty(string _in);
This library ships whit a built-in HTTP(s) client. It's composed by:
- an HTTP parser for both requests and responses
- muzzley::sslsocketstream, which is an SSL socket stream (all encryption/decryption and certificate operations are delegated to OpenSSL's libssl and libcrypto)
- muzzley::HTTPReq, which is an std::share_ptr to an HTTP request object
- muzzley::HTTPRep, which is an std::share_ptr to an HTTP response object
This classes usage is pretty self explanatory by example:
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <muzzley/muzzley.h>
#include <muzzley/parsers/http.h>
#include <muzzley/stream/SSLSocketStreams.h>
using namespace std;
#if !defined __APPLE__
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Instantiate an HTTP(s) socket stream
muzzley::sslsocketstream _ssl;
// connect to server with muzzley::sslsocketstream::open(host, port)"", 443);
// Instantiate an HTTP request object
muzzley::HTTPReq _req;
// set HTTP request method
// set HTTP request server path
// Instantiate a string with some body part
string _body_part("{ \"name\" : \"HTTP Client\", id : 1 }");
// set HTTP Host header
_req->header("Host", "");
// set HTTP Content-Type header
_req->header("Content-Type", "application/json");
// set HTTP Content-Length header
_req->header("Content-Length", std::to_string(_body_part.length()));
// set the message body
// Send the message
_ssl << _req << flush;
// Instantiate an HTTP response object
muzzley::HTTPRep _rep;
// Read the message from the stream
_ssl >> _rep;
// test the message status
if (_rep->status() == muzzley::HTTP200) {
// Print the value of a message header
cout << "Received a reply with a " << _rep->header("Content-Length") << " bytes of body length" << endl << flush;
// Print the body of the message
cout << _rep->body() << endl << flush;
return 0;