An app allowing users to view, manipulate, and download various City of Sacramento Open Data Sets. Additionally, an easily editable template to repurpose the app for any collection of data sets with GeoServices REST APIs with point geometry objects.
- App: R's Shiny package.
- Layout: Shiny Dashboard framework
- Map: leaflet R package to implement the Leaflet JavaScript library
- Walkthrough introjs R package to implement the intro.js JavaScript library
- API calls: mvanbommel/esri2sf package (forked from yonghah/esri2sf).
This app can be easily edited for use with any collection of data sets with Geoservices REST APIs that use point, polyline, or polygon geometry objects. Many cities and organizations make their open data sets available through Geoservices, and a full collection of over 180,000 data sets is available on ArcGIS Hub.
To create your own version of this app, simply fork the repository, rename if desired, and edit the data_source_information.R
script according to the instructions in the comments.
In order to run the app, you will need to install R (installing RStudio is also recommended). When you run the app for the first time, run the commands:
to ensure all necessary packages are loaded.
You can then run the app using the
command. If you are unfamiliar with Shiny, there are tutorials available.
To learn more about sharing or publishing your app, see the Share Your Apps tutorial.
Contributions are welcomed! See the contributing guide for more details.