Whisper asset transfer represents a sophisticated method of transferring digital assets across different blockchain networks. This process leverages the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) and zero-knowledge (zk) proofs to ensure security, privacy, and efficiency.
- CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol): Facilitates communication and asset transfer between disparate blockchain networks.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Allows for the verification of transactions without revealing any sensitive information about the assets or the parties involved.
Initiation on Source Chain:
- The asset is locked or earmarked in the source blockchain using a smart contract.
- A cryptographic proof or signal is generated to signify the locking event.
Cross-Chain Communication via CCIP:
- The CCIP is used to relay the asset transfer request and the cryptographic proof from the source chain to the destination chain.
Verification on Destination Chain:
- The destination chain receives the transfer request and cryptographic proof.
- Zero-knowledge proofs are utilized to validate the authenticity of the transfer without compromising privacy.
Completion of Transfer:
- After successful verification, the asset is released or replicated on the destination chain.
- The recipient can now access the asset on the destination blockchain.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Ensure that transaction details remain private while confirming their validity.
- CCIP: Provides a secure and reliable method for cross-chain communication, safeguarding the integrity of the asset transfer.
- Interoperability: Enables asset movement across diverse blockchain ecosystems.
- Enhanced Security: Strengthens the protection of cross-chain transactions.
- Privacy Preservation: Maintains confidentiality of transaction specifics.
- Efficiency: Improves time and cost efficiency in cross-chain transfers.
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Transferring assets across various DeFi platforms on different blockchains.
- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Cross-chain transfer of NFTs for broader market accessibility.
- Cross-Chain Exchanges: Enabling trades between different cryptocurrencies across blockchain networks.
- Technical Complexity: Implementation demands advanced technical expertise.
- Network Compatibility: Ensuring seamless interoperability among different blockchains.
- Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory environment surrounding cross-chain transactions.
Whisper asset transfer using CCIP and zk proofs marks a significant advancement in the realm of blockchain technology, offering a secure, private, and efficient method for cross-chain asset transfers.
1.Circom (which also depends on Rust) https://github.com/iden3/circom/blob/master/mkdocs/docs/getting-started/installation.md
Installing dependencies
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 <https://sh.rustup.rs> -sSf | sh
Installing circom follow steps
Installing snarkjs: snarkjs is a npm package that contains code to generate and validate ZK proofs from the artifacts produced by circom.
npm install -g snarkjs
2.Node JS
Trusted Setup, either create your own ptau file or you can use this one pre-generated (not recommended for production):
wget https://hermez.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/powersOfTau28_hez_final_12.ptau -O ./data/powersOfTau28_hez_final_12.ptau
3.Sender ZKP
In the first step, we compile the circuit by the circom compiler that will generate a wasm and an r1cs file.
circom src/circom/confidential_transaction_sender.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./build/circom
Now we can generate the proving key (zkey file) by using the circuit and the ptau file:
snarkjs groth16 setup build/circom/confidential_transaction_sender.r1cs data/powersOfTau28_hez_final_12.ptau keys/sender_proving_key.zkey
Now generate the verification key from the proving key
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey keys/sender_proving_key.zkey keys/sender_verification_key.json
Now generate a verifier for smart contracts (Solidity)
snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier keys/sender_proving_key.zkey build/solidity/sender_verifier.sol
The generated solidity code can be installed on-chain
In the first step, we compile the circuit by the circom compiler that will generate a wasm and an r1cs file.
circom src/circom/confidential_transaction_receiver.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./build/circom
Now we can generate the proving key (zkey file) by using the circuit and the ptau file:
snarkjs groth16 setup build/circom/confidential_transaction_receiver.r1cs data/powersOfTau28_hez_final_12.ptau keys/receiver_proving_key.zkey
Now generate the verification key from the proving key
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey keys/receiver_proving_key.zkey keys/receiver_verification_key.json
Now generate a verifier for smart contracts (Solidity)
snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier keys/receiver_proving_key.zkey build/solidity/receiver_verifier.sol
The generated solidity code can be installed on-chain
4.New Account ZKP (for prove zero balance)
A ZKP is required for new account creation with a zero balance to prove that the resulting hash value is calculated from a zero balance plus the account salt value.
In the first step, we compile the circuit by the circom compiler that will generate a wasm and an r1cs file.
circom src/circom/confidential_transaction_new_account.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./build/circom
Now we can generate the proving key (zkey file) by using the circuit and the ptau file:
snarkjs groth16 setup build/circom/confidential_transaction_new_account.r1cs data/powersOfTau28_hez_final_12.ptau keys/new_account_proving_key.zkey
Now generate the verification key from the proving key
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey keys/new_account_proving_key.zkey keys/new_account_verification_key.json
Now generate a verifier for smart contracts (Solidity)
snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier keys/new_account_proving_key.zkey build/solidity/new_account_verifier.sol
The generated solidity code can be installed on-chain
- Run the Sender Prover and Verifier in NodeJS
node src/js/sender_test.js --sendamount=100 --senderstartingbalance=1000 --sendersalt=1234567890
To pass the jsonCallData output to Solidity verification contract (on-chain): a.Remove trailing "n" from all numbers b.first and last "[" "]" c.Remove all all carriage returns/line feeds
2.Run the Receiver Prover and Verifier in NodeJS
node src/js/receiver_test.js --sendamount=100 --receiverstartingbalance=1000 --receiversalt=987654321
To pass the jsonCallData output to Solidity verification contract (on-chain): a.Remove trailing "n" from all numbers b.first and last "[" "]" c.Remove all all carriage returns/line feeds
- Run the New Account Prover and verifier in NodeJs
node src/js/newAccount_test.js --receiversalt=987654321
Complete the following env and save in ./ccip-asset-transfer/.env
- Deploy Polygon Mumbai Contract
forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol:DeployMaticContracts -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url polygonMumbai --sig "run(uint8, uint8)" -- 4 5
- Deploy BNB Contracts
forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol:DeployBNBContracts -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url polygonMumbai --sig "run(uint8, uint8)" -- 5 4
- Add WATMsgReceiver (BNB TEST) address to WATMsgSender contract in polygon Mumbai
forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol:AddRecAddress -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url polygonMumbai --sig "run(address,address)" -- <AssetTransferAddress(Polygon)> <WATMsgReceiver(BNB)>
- Add WATMsgReceiver (Polygon Mumbai) address to WATMsgSender contract in BNB Test.
forge script ./script/Deploy.s.sol:AddRecAddress -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url binanceTest --sig "run(address,address)" -- <AssetTransferAddress(BNB)> <WATMsgReceiver(Polygon)>
- Fund sender and rec with LINK (USE METAMASK)
- Initiate Transfer in Receiver chain
forge script ./script/Transfer.s.sol:InitiateRequest -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url polygonMumbai --sig “run(address,address,address)” -- <AssetTransfer(Polygon)> <OWNER_ADDRESS(BNB)> <RECEIVER_ADDRESS(Polygon)> <TRANSFER_AMOUNT_HASH>
- Burn Asset in Source chain
forge script ./script/Transfer.s.sol:BurnAsset -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url binanceTest --sig “run(address,uint256)” -- <AssetTransfer(BNB)><transferId>
- Mint Asset in Receiver Chain
forge script ./script/Transfer.s.sol:MintAsset -vvv --broadcast --rpc-url polygonMumbai --sig “run(address,uint256)” -- <AssetTransfer(Polygon)> <transferId>
- https://ccip.chain.link/msg/0xee2c1280cac1c7127e86446144ec195ca13a4602460e6558cf0fdfaff3bfb8ee
- https://ccip.chain.link/msg/0x0ea568e416f9752273de88b8359b35b326ab4ba278a3b74fe89cb848b9b7cd87
Swagger UI URL: http://localhost:3000/api default port 3000 may need change based on environment variable PORT
npm install
npm start
npm run start:dev (if you want run in Dev node, where server restaer on code change auto-magically)