twitcheck is a quick and simple command-line tool to let you checkin on a Twitter user. And tell you what word they have been using most frequently.
We suggest using the lovely go get tool to quickly add it to your path.
go get -u
Additionally twitcheck searches the current directory for a configuration file.
Simply supply twitcheck with a user name and it will pull recent information about them and provide information about the calls to the API.
Imin:~ ryan$ twitcheck twitterdev
Name: TwitterDev
Screen Name: TwitterDev
Description: Developer and Platform Relations @Twitter. We are developer advocates. We can't answer all your questions, but we listen to all of them!
Location: Internet
Tweets: 2642
Followers: 431542
Following: 1534
Status: 200 OK
Time Elapsed: 0.331737s
Rate limit: 181
Rate limit remaining: 180
Rate limit reset: 2016-09-22 21:36:47 -0400 EDT
1 : 👏 👊 @Comprenditech for winning our #Promote Ads API challenge 🏆
By, TwitterDev at 2016-09-22 00:45:31 -0400 EDT
2 : RT @AdsAPI: Less than 24 hours til #Promote Demo Day! Excited to see our top 12 share what they built. Stay tuned to learn who takes home t…
By, TwitterDev at 2016-09-21 15:30:47 -0400 EDT
3 : NYC developers: Are you passionate about Twitter's 🛠 & advocating for Twitter ❤️ locally? Learn more next Tuesday.
By, TwitterDev at 2016-09-21 15:17:06 -0400 EDT
4 : RT @wocintechchat: Inaugural Meeting of @TwitterDev Community @TwitterNYC on Tuesday 9/27. #WOCinTech You can RSVP here -->…
By, TwitterDev at 2016-09-21 15:02:10 -0400 EDT
5 : RT @andypiper: Have you updated your @twitterapi app for the new attachment_urls yet? - questions? ask via https://…
By, TwitterDev at 2016-09-20 19:20:23 -0400 EDT
Most Common Word Tweeted: rt
Status: 200 OK
Time Elapsed: 0.159700s
Rate limit: 300
Rate limit remaining: 299
Rate limit reset: 2016-09-22 21:36:47 -0400 EDT
I'd like to thank kurrik for his clean and simple Twitter library, twittergo.