Super simple way to get the data from the Google Analytics Query Explorer directly into an R data frame. No need for external Google Analytics packages, just uses hadleyverse packages that you probably already use. For anything more beefy I recommend googleAnalyticsR.
Build and run the query at the Query Explorer
Copy the API Query URI, making sure the
access token
is included:
- Load a couple of required libraries and source function:
ga_explorer <- function(ga_url) {
results <- httr::GET(ga_url)
res <- httr::content(results)
colheaders <- purrr::map_chr(res$columnHeaders, "name") %>% sub("ga:","",.)
coltypes <- purrr::map_chr(res$columnHeaders, "dataType")
res <- purrr::map(res$rows, ~ purrr::set_names(.x, colheaders )) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
dataType <- function(x, type) {
INTEGER = as.integer(x),
STRING = as.character(x),
CURRENCY = as.numeric(x),
PERCENT = as.numeric(x))
res <- purrr::map2_df(res, coltypes, dataType)
if(!is.null(res[["date"]])) {
res[["date"]] <- as.Date(res[["date"]], format = "%Y%m%d")
- Call the function
and paste in the URI as the argument. You'll get a nicely formattedtibble
back with all columns having the right format.
my_data <- ga_explorer("")