This is gateway in python for CNDINGTEK nb-iot devices. As the CNDINGTEK nb-iot devices uses private protocol to upload data, sometimes the users have questions or problems while they try to drive the devices to their own clould server.In order to help users to start the testing, CNDINGTEK offer this project in MIT license.
Python 3.8.1 Windows 10
support nb-iot sensors from CNDINGTEK dh100 door sensor do200 parking sensor df200 hand sanitelizer level sensor dt310 temperature/humidity sensor df400 toilet paper level sensor dc500 people counter df530 lpg tank level sensor df702 waste bin level sensor (TODO)
check the .py file with the model name you want to integrate, there is parse_data_xx function, which parse the incoming packet which is filtered by the hand_client function in The include demo for server listening and tcp client incoming data from sensors. After packet parsed, upload_data function will be called to upload/forward to user application or any other 3rd party application in http. Of course, user can forward in other format like mqtt and etc based on their own requirements.
IEEE754_Hex_To_Float error in x64 system. try to change line 26:data_middle = struct.pack("q", data_first) to data_middle = struct.pack("l", data_first)