A portfolio website to introduce to potential employers and recruiters About me, skills i'm proficient with and as well my previous experience alongside a preview of projects i've worked on. it details alot of my education background and software development abilities and competence.
- Toggling between three (3) themes. Light, Grey and Dark
- Fully Responsive
- Built on Bootstrap 5
- 3 Colour Schemes
- 600+ FontAwesome icons
- CSS3
- SQLite
The project includes a requirements.txt file that contains all packages and project dependencies. use python package manager pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
run the command to serve fromm local server
python manage.py runserver
for quick support and oppotunities you can contact me via the contact page and socials.
future releases would include an optimized version of the portfolio integrating new technologies and methods, static and robust to display more advanced Skills and Projects
Interested in contributing? Thanks so much for your interest! We are always looking for improvements to the project and contributions from open-source developers are greatly appreciated. Here's how yo contribute:
- please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Pull requests are welcome.