Replication Code for Budolfson et al. (2021), "Climate Action with Revenue Recycling Has Benefits for Poverty, Inequality, and Wellbeing."
This code runs on Julia v1.6 and uses the Mimi framework for building integrated assessment models. To install the required packages, first enter the Julia package manager using the ]
key. Once in the package manager, run the following code:
add CSVFiles
add DataFrames
add Interpolations
add Mimi
add NLopt
Run the following lines of code to install the MimiRICE model. This code will create a connection to the online Mimi model library and then install Mimi-RICE2010. An in-depth description of these steps can be found at the MimiRICE2010 GitHub Repository.
Still in the Julia pacakge manager, run the following lines (note, these only need to be run once per computer):
registry add
add MimiRICE2010
While still in the package manager, run the following line to install MimiNICE:
One of the sensitivity analyses also uses the FAIR climate model. Run the following line to install MimiFAIR v1.3:
After this, hit the backspace
key to exit back to Julia.
Next, clone or download the revenue_recycling
Git repository. Once this is on your computer, set this folder as your working directory in the Julia console and run the following code to get an instance of NICE with revenue recycling:
# Load the file to create an instance of Mimi-NICE with revenue recycling.
# Create an instance of the model.
m = create_nice_recycle()
# Run the model.
# View the projected global temperature anomalies.
m[:climatedynamics, :TATM]
# If you want to see interactive plots of all model output, run the following code. Note that it only works for 2-d data (i.e. time x region), it won't show quintile level plots.
To reproduce the results from "Climate Action with Revenue Recycling Has Benefits for Poverty, Inequality, and Wellbeing," run:
The replication output will be saved in the results