A stateful miner metrics processing service.
Gets requests from emerald and updates the databse. Rabbitmq is set up on Sapphire as a listener. It uses sequelize to process and update the database.
Local URL: localhost:8081, 9870
Staging URL: https://staging.myriade.io/metrics
requires Redis
, Rabitmq
, and a database URL
to run. To run it locally, set up the docker instance as outlined in Web.
TLDR Two main jobs:
- Receive data from
and save it properly (mapped to hashrate, shares, and credits) - Expose relevant data (with authentication) to clients (show their historical hashrate, myriade credits, etc. )
is designed to accept incoming data from Emerald
and save it to the main database for users. It is also designed to provide metrics/analytics for the users via a GraphQL
├── Dockerfile, Dockerfile.dev, docker-compose.yml, Makefile -> For deployment
├── migrations
│ ├── Stored migrations for the DB
├── package.json, README.md -> Self explanatory
├── scripts
│ ├── NPM scripts for managing DB migrations
├── src
│ ├── api
│ │ └── monero.api.js
│ ├── app.js -> Hosts express and GraphQL server
│ ├── main.js -> Main executable, initializes all services
│ ├── middleware
│ │ ├── contains authentication and validation middleware
│ ├── models
│ │ ├── Each model file corresponds to a table in the DB
│ ├── repository
│ │ ├── Provides proper functions to fetch data from the DB
│ ├── routes
│ │ ├── Handlers for API/GraphQL endpoints
│ ├── schemas
│ │ └── Schema model to relate to DB
│ ├── service
│ │ ├── miner.metrics.service.js
│ │ └── payout.service.js
│ └── util
│ ├── cache.js -> Handler for Redis
│ ├── config.js -> Handler for config file
│ ├── db.js -> Handler for DB connection
│ ├── error.js -> Throw proper errors
│ ├── logger.js -> Logger, connects to LogDNA
│ └── mq.js -> Handler for RabbitMQ connection
└── test
├── Tests...
0 -> Closed
1 -> Pending
2 -> Won
While Credit Event Content uses no specified schema, there are some fields/structures that we can expect or at least enforce:
id: The id of the event, unique
public: {
This is the only data that should be shown in the client visually
title: The expected title of the event
description: Further rules explained here
entryPrice: The initial entry price (in myriade credits)
prizeAmount: The prize amount (in myriade credits)
rules: To be determined per structure, is not exposed visually to client
expiry: When the event ends
private: {
The private data is currently availble de facto, but in the future will be provided on a per-event basis. Currently we have it here for clarity's sake
usdRate: The exchange rate from myriade credits to USD
changePriceFactor: Changes the entry price by a specific factor
### Integer Mapping for Specific Properties
`lockType -> `The type of event that the credit event is linked to. For example, having a `lockType` of `1` would signify a raffle ticket, however the classification is yet to be fully specified at this time.