Compiles ZeptoN ".zep" files in to Java bytecode or ".class" files that can execute on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Zep is a simpler transcompiler, it uses WEJAC as its basis. I was motivated to develop ZeptoN and the ZepC transcompiler for a tool that has fewer compiler options. I developed ZeptoN as a simpler programming language than Java that uses Java features, syntax so minimal difficulty in using ZeptoN or Java.
- Simplicity with fewer compiler command-line options
- Java cross-platform bytecode for (macOS/Linux/Windows)
- Uses underlying Java compiler through Java Compiler API
- Java source code is open-source
- Pre-built JDK8 compatible bytecode binary JAR file for version 1.0.3. Download
- Transcompiler is one Java class of approximately less than 900 lines of code (including comments)
- Learn to write Java code with a program instead of class, object
This compiler is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version version 3.