This library provides Python implementation of Simple String Expression Evaluator a.k.a. s2e2
. The Evaluator returns value of an input expression. Unlike commonly known mathematical expression evaluators this one treats all parts of the expression as a strings and its output value is also a string.
For example:
- the value of the expression
A + B
- the value of
REPLACE("The cat is black", cat, dog)
isThe dog is black
This is how one can use Evaluator to get value of some expression:
>>> import s2e2 >>> >>> evaluator = s2e2.Evaluator() >>> >>> evaluator.add_standard_functions() >>> evaluator.add_standard_operators() >>> >>> expression = 'A + B' >>> result = evaluator.evaluate(expression)
Supported expressions consist of the following tokens: string literals, operators (unary and binary), functions, predefined constants, round brackets for function's arguments denoting, commas for function's arguments separation and double quotes for characters escaping.
The difference between a function and an operator is that a function is always followed by a pair of round brackets with a list of function's arguments (probably empty) in between, while an operator does not use brackets and, if it is a binary operator, sticks between its operands. Also operators can have different priorities a.k.a. precedence.
For example:
- this is a function of 2 arguments:
FUNC(Arg1, Arg2)
- and this is a binary operator:
Arg1 OP Arg2
There is only one predefined constant -- NULL
-- which corresponds to an None
value in Python. It can be used to check if some sub-expression is evaluated into some result: IF(SUBEXPR(Arg1, Arg2) == NULL, NULL, Value)
provides a small set of predefined functions. They are:
IF(Condition, Value1, Value2)
is true, andValue2
must be a boolean value.Function
REPLACE(Source, Regex, Replacement)
Returns copy of
with all matches ofRegex
replaced byReplacement
. All three arguments are strings,Regex
cannot beNULL
or an empty string, Replacement cannot be NULL.Function
Returns current UTC datetime. The result is of
ADD_DAYS(Datetime, NumberOfDays)
Adds days to the provided datetime.
must be ofdatetime.datetime
type and not NULL.NumberOfDays
is a notNULL
object which can be converter into any integer. The result is ofdatetime.datetime
FORMAT_DATE(Datetime, Format)
into a string according toFormat
must be ofdatetime.datetime
type and notNULL
is a notNULL
It is possible to create and use any custom function. Here is a simple example:
import s2e2 class CustomFunction(s2e2.functions.Function): def __init__(self, some_set): super().__init__('CONTAINS', 1) self.__set = some_set def _check_arguments(self): return isinstance(self._arguments[0], str) def _result(self): return self._arguments[0] in self.__set evaluator = s2e2.Evaluator() evaluator.add_standard_functions() evaluator.add_standard_operators() some_set = set(['key1', 'key2']) custom_function = CustomFunction(some_set) evaluator.add_function(custom_function) expression = 'IF(CONTAINS(key1), YES, NO)' result = evaluator.evaluate(expression)
As it was mentioned before, every operator has a priority. Within s2e2
the range of priorities is from 1 to 999. A set of predefined operators is provided. They are:
Binary operator
, priority500
Concatenates two strings. Every operand can be either a
or a string. The result is a string.Binary operator
, priority300
Compares any two objects, including
. If both operands areNULL
the result isTrue
. The type of the result is boolean.Binary operator
, priority300
The same as
, but checks objects for inequality.Binary operator
, priority400
Compares any two comparable objects. None of the operands can be
. The result is a boolean.Binary operator
, priority400
Compares any two comparable objects. Both operands must be not
or both must beNULL
. In the latter case the result isTrue
.Binary operator
, priority400
Same as
, but checks if first operand is less that the second one.Binary operator
, priority400
Same as
, but checks if first operand is less or equal that the second one.Binary operator
, priority200
Computes logical conjunction of two boolean values. Both arguments are boolean, not
value. The result is a boolean.Binary operator
, priority100
Computes logical disjunction of two boolean values. Both arguments are boolean, not
value. The result is a boolean.Unary operator
, priority600
Negates boolean value. Operand cannot be
. The result is a boolean.
It is possible to create and use any custom operator. Here is a simple example:
import s2e2 class CustomOperator(s2e2.operators.Operator): def __init__(self): super().__init__('~', 600, 1) def _check_arguments(self): return isinstance(self._arguments[0], str) def _result(self): return self._arguments[0][::-1] evaluator = s2e2.Evaluator() evaluator.add_standard_functions() evaluator.add_standard_operators() some_set = set(['key1', 'key2']) custom_operator = CustomOperator() evaluator.add_operator(custom_operator) expression = '~Foo' result = evaluator.evaluate(expression)
To use this project one would need:
- Python >= 3.4
- setuptools >= 3.4
To develop and/or change:
This will build the library into a egg
./ bdist_egg
The output egg file can be found in the created dist
The easiest way to install the library is to use easy_install
(which is part of setuputils3
sudo easy_install ./s2e2-0.0.0-py3.7.egg
Use one simple command:
./ test
This project is licensed under the MIT License.