Welcome You can find all the data structures & algorithms of this repository from the following index. Index Searching Algorithms Binary Search Linear Search Sorting Algorithms Bubble Sort Insertion Sort Selection Sort Merge Sort Radix Sort Heap Sort Max Heap Sort Min Heap Sort Quick Sort Quick Sort (Normal Approach) Quick Sort (Partition Approach) Stack Stack Queue Queue Priority Queue Circular Queue Linked List Node Node for Singly Linked List Node for Doubly Linked List Linked List Singly Linked List Doubly Linked List Circular Linked List Circular Singly Linked List Circular Doubly Linked List Sorted Linked List Sorted Singly Linked List Sorted Doubly Linked List Tree Node Node for Tree Data Structure Basic Tree Basic Tree Binary Tree Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Heap Binary Heap Max Binary Heap Min Binary Heap Priority Queue (Binary Heap approach) Hash Table Hash Table (Separate Chaining approach) Graph Undirected Graph Directed Graph Dijkstra's Algorithm Shortest Path Graph