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Elixir distributed pipelines framework

This is a pseudo-framework for distributed pipelines in Elixir. Using Elixir native capabilities and Docker Swarm.

The pipeline is starts on a data source that send work to stages of workers, each stage connected by a broker, and ends on a sink that receives the final results.


The main reason for this development is to be able to distribute work in a pipeline fashion in a simple manner.

Unable to find a framework that suited my needs, I decided to develop my own.


flowchart LR
    Source --> Worker1.1
    Source --> Worker1.2
    Source --> Worker1.3

    Worker1.1 --> Broker1
    Worker1.2 --> Broker1
    Worker1.3 --> Broker1

    Broker1 --> Worker2.1
    Broker1 --> Worker2.2
    Broker1 --> Worker2.3

    Worker2.1 --> Broker2
    Worker2.2 --> Broker2
    Worker2.3 --> Broker2

    Broker2 --> Worker3.1
    Broker2 --> Worker3.2
    Broker2 --> Worker3.3

    Worker3.1 --> Sink
    Worker3.2 --> Sink
    Worker3.3 --> Sink

The pipeline is starts on a data source that send work to stages of workers, each stage connected by a broker, and ends on a sink that receives the final results.



  • The project already has a pipeline with 3 steps of workers that do image transformations.

  • For such use case, 2 external libraries are being used

    • image: (imported with hex)
    • dir_walker: copied into utils
  • The project is deployed using docker swarm, docker swarm init initializes it.

  • To run the system, we can:

    • Use make iex to deploy the system and open an iex session on the manager node. It is equivalent to:
      • make setup will make other required initializations: Creates required folders and gives scripts permissions.
      • make clean_local_deploy will remove old containers and deploy the system, waiting for the services to be ready.
      • make manager_iex will open an iex session on the manager node.
    • Run DistributedPipeline.main (on iex) to start the pipeline.

You might find unused logging capabilities in the code. These are left from the original project where some metrics are logged using statsd. I've left them since they show how the framework can be extended.

Pipeline definition

We can define the pipeline components by calling the start_link function on each component. These are GenServer processes, so they can be started in a supervised manner. By defining the workers input and output, we define the pipeline's topology.

{:ok, source} = WorkSource.start_link(input_folder, batch_size)
{:ok, sink} = WorkSink.start_link()
{:ok, broker} = WorkBroker.start_link()

{:ok, worker_1_1} = Worker.start_link(worker_type, source, broker)
{:ok, worker_1_2} = Worker.start_link(worker_type, source, broker)

{:ok, worker_2_1} = Worker.start_link(worker_type, broker, sink)
{:ok, worker_2_2} = Worker.start_link(worker_type, broker, sink)

Then, we should call GenServer.cast(worker, :start) on each worker to start the pipeline.

workers = [worker_1_1, worker_1_2, worker_2_1, worker_2_2]
Enum.each(workers, fn worker -> GenServer.cast(worker, :start) end)

Distributed Deployment

In order to make the pipeline distributed, we can start the workers in different nodes using elixir's Node module.

For that purpouse we can define two utility functions:

start_worker_proxy, which is meant to run on the remote node, and will start the worker and return its pid, so that external processes can communicate with it directly.

defmodule DistributedPipeline do
  def start_worker_proxy(worker_type, source, sink) do
    {:ok, worker_pid} = Worker.start_link(worker_type, source, sink)

    # Send worker_pid when asked for it
    receive do
      {:pid_req, ref} ->
        send ref, {:pid_res, worker_pid}

    {:ok, worker_pid}

start_remote_worker, which is meant to run on the local node, and will start the worker on the remote node, and return its pid, so that external processes can communicate with it directly.

defmodule DistributedPipeline do
  def start_remote_worker(worker_type, source, sink, str_remote) do
    remote = String.to_atom(str_remote)
    proxy_pid = Node.spawn_link(remote, DistributedPipeline, :start_worker_proxy, [worker_type, source, sink])

    # Request the pid of the worker from the proxy on the Node and return it
    send proxy_pid, {:pid_req, self()}
    receive do
      {:pid_res, worker_pid} ->
        {:ok, worker_pid}

Worker Types - Business Logic

Worker types are modules that implement WorkerBehaviour and define the business logic of the pipeline of a specific worker.

The image processing pipeline implements 3 worker types: FormatWorker, ResolutionWorker and SizeWorker.

defmodule WorkerBehaviour do
  @callback do_work(any()) :: any()
  @callback name() :: charlist()

do_work is the function that will handle a single unit of work, sending its result to the next stage of the pipeline.

name is the name of the worker type, used for logging and name resolution.

Custom Workers - Extending the framework

The BaseWorker class implements the primitives for the worker node to communicate with the rest of the pipeline. This should be extended into custom worker archetypes to handle specific needs.

In nodes/worker.ex we can find the following:

  • Worker: Simplest implementation, receives work from a source and sends it to a sink.
  • BatchedWorker: Work is received and sent in batches, but handled individually.
  • MeasuredBatchedWorker: Like BatchedWorker, but measures and logs work metrics.



The WorkSource module generates work units.

It is highly coupled with the image processing pipeline, since it generates work units from images in a folder.

It is also coupled with the BatchedWorker archetype, since it generates batches of work units.

The source implements handle_cast {:ready, pid},

  • Sending `{:work, serving_files} if there are files to process.
  • Sending :no_work if there are no more files left.


The WorkSink module receives work units at the end of the pipeline, not propagating them further.

It is coupled with the BatchedWorker archetype, since it receives batches of work units.

The sink implements:

  • handle_call :request_receiver: Which returns self(), as it is called when a worker has work to push, and the sink has no further stages to push to.
  • handle_cast {:work, work}: Which receives work units and just keeps a count of them.
  • handle_call :register_worker: Which registers the worker pid, so that it can keep track of the end of work.
  • handle_call :unregister_worker: Which is called when a worker has finished its work. When all workers have finished, the pipeline is considered finished.


The Worker module implements the BaseWorker behaviour, and is the simplest worker archetype.

It takes care of the communication protocol side of the worker node, calling upon the worker type to handle the work unit.

Its main flow (push) is:

  • Marking itself as ready to do work
  • Receiving and handling work
    • If possible, pushing it to the next stage
    • Else, queuing the result
    • Then start again (if the result queue is not full)

But work can also be pulled:

  • Receiving a get_work message

    This should only happen if there is queued work, as the worker keeps track of it

  • Sending queued work to the next stage
  • If it is not 'done' and it just freed the queue (queue has 1 space left), mark as ready
  • If it is 'done' and there is no more queued work, unregister the worker

A worker is 'done' when it has received a no_work message from the source.

Thus not saturating the posterior stages of the pipeline (as they have to be ready), but still keeping the worker busy until its result queue is full.

The worker implements:

  • handle_cast {:work, work}: Which is the main flow of the worker.
  • handle_cast :no_work: Which is received when the source has no more work to send, and propagates it to the next stage.
  • def handle_cast {:get_work, pid}: Which is received when there is queued work that can be pushed to the next stage.


The WorkBroker module functions as a queue between stages of the pipeline, being a source and a sink at the same time.

It keeps state both for workers_with_pending_results and workers_ready_for_work. If the first queue has elements, the stage works in a pull fashion, asking for work from the previous stage. If the second queue has elements, the stage works in a push fashion, sending work to the next stage. Both queues can not have elements at the same time, since it makes no sense to fill one if the other can be emptied.

The broker implements:

  • handle_call:register_worker and handle_call:unregister_worker: Which are similar to the ones at the sink, save for the need to propagate the end of work.
  • handle_cast {:ready, pid}: To act as a source, sending work to the next stage.
    • If there are workers_with_pending_results it will call on them
    • Else, it will add the worker to workers_ready_for_work
  • handle_call :request_receiver: To act as a sink, receiving work from the previous stage.
    • If there are workers_ready_for_work it pass their pid
    • Else, it will add the worker to workers_with_pending_results and answer :unavailable


Worker registration & un-registration

Base workflow

When workers start, they register themselves to the sink, and then enter a loop where they ask for work until there is no more work to do, at which point they unregister themselves.

  participant Source
  participant Worker
  participant Sink

  Worker ->> Sink : register_worker

  loop while there is work

    Worker ->> Source : ready
    Source ->>+ Worker : work
    Worker ->>+ Sink : request_receiver
    Sink -->>- Worker : sink
    Worker ->> Sink : work
    Worker ->>- Source : ready


  Worker ->>+ Source : ready
  Source ->>- Worker : no_work
  activate Worker
  Worker ->>- Sink : unregister_worker
  note over Sink: Finished

Multiple workers

When all workers registered to a sink have unregistered, it considers the pipeline finished.

  participant Source
  participant Worker1
  participant Worker2
  participant Sink

  Worker1 ->> Sink : register_worker
  Worker2 ->> Sink : register_worker

  note over Source,Sink: While there is work: do work

  Worker1 ->>+ Source : ready
  Source ->>- Worker1 : no_work
  activate Worker1
  Worker1 ->>- Sink : unregister_worker

  Worker2 ->>+ Source : ready
  Source ->>- Worker2 : no_work
  activate Worker2
  Worker2 ->>- Sink : unregister_worker

  note over Sink: Finished


Brokers act as both sources and sinks, so they have to both handle both handle registration and un-registration, and propagate them to the next stage.

The next stage can have 2 types of workers:

  • Ready workers, that are ready to receive work: these will be sent no_work as soon as all previous stages have finished.
  • Unready workers, that are still working: these will be sent no_work when they ask for more work.

Brokers themselves don't finish, it is the sink which signals the end of the pipeline, and triggers the cleanup process of nodes.

  participant SrcWorker
  participant Broker
  participant ReadyWorker
  participant UnreadyWorker
  participant Sink

  SrcWorker ->> Broker : register_worker

  note over SrcWorker,Sink: While there is work: do work

  ReadyWorker ->>+ Broker : ready
  deactivate Broker

  SrcWorker ->>+ Broker : unregister_worker
  Broker ->>- ReadyWorker : no_work
  activate ReadyWorker
  ReadyWorker ->>- Sink : unregister_worker

  UnreadyWorker ->>+ Broker : ready
  Broker ->>- UnreadyWorker : no_work
  activate UnreadyWorker
  UnreadyWorker ->>- Sink: unregister_worker

  note over Sink: Finished

Work pushing

When the posterior stage is faster, and thus ready to receive work, the previous workers can push work to it.

  participant Source
  participant SlowWorker
  participant Broker
  participant FastWorker

  FastWorker ->>+ Broker : ready
  deactivate Broker

  loop while there is work

    SlowWorker ->>+ Source : ready
    Source ->>- SlowWorker : work

    activate SlowWorker
    SlowWorker ->>+ Broker : request_receiver
    Broker -->>- SlowWorker : FastWorker
    SlowWorker ->>+ FastWorker : work
    SlowWorker ->>- Source : ready

    FastWorker ->>+ Broker : ready
    deactivate FastWorker
    deactivate Broker


  SlowWorker ->>+ Source : ready
  Source ->>- SlowWorker : no_work
  activate SlowWorker
  SlowWorker ->>- Broker : unregister_worker
  activate Broker
  Broker ->>- FastWorker : no_work
  activate FastWorker
  deactivate FastWorker


This workflow is preferred, since it involves less message passing and state. But in a real scenario we cam expect both push and pulling behaviors to be interleaved and change over time.

Work pulling

When the posterior stage is slower, and thus not ready to receive work, the previous workers can queue work for it, which will be pulled when the stage is ready.

  participant Source
  participant FastWorker
  participant Broker
  participant SlowWorker

  FastWorker ->>+ Source : ready
  Source ->>- FastWorker : work
  activate FastWorker
  FastWorker ->>+ Broker : request_receiver
  Broker ->>- FastWorker : unavailable
  FastWorker ->> Source : ready

  deactivate FastWorker
  activate Source
  Source ->>- FastWorker : work
  activate FastWorker
  FastWorker ->>+ Broker : request_receiver
  Broker ->>- FastWorker : unavailable
  note over FastWorker : Result queue is full
  deactivate FastWorker

  loop while there is work

    SlowWorker ->>+ Broker : ready
    Broker ->>- FastWorker : get_work(SlowWorker)
    activate FastWorker
    FastWorker ->>+ SlowWorker : work
    FastWorker ->>- Source : ready

    activate Source
    Source ->>- FastWorker : work
    activate FastWorker
    FastWorker ->>+ Broker : request_receiver
    Broker ->>- FastWorker : unavailable
    note over FastWorker : Result queue is full
    deactivate FastWorker

    SlowWorker -x- Broker : ready


  SlowWorker ->>+ Broker : ready
  Broker ->>- FastWorker : get_work(SlowWorker)
  activate FastWorker
  FastWorker ->>+ SlowWorker : work
  FastWorker ->>- Source : ready

  activate Source
  Source ->>- FastWorker : no_work
  activate FastWorker
  note over FastWorker : Result queue has 1 item
  deactivate FastWorker

  SlowWorker ->>- Broker : ready
  activate Broker

  Broker ->>- FastWorker : get_work(SlowWorker)
  activate FastWorker
  FastWorker ->>+ SlowWorker : work

  FastWorker ->>+ Broker : unregister_worker
  deactivate FastWorker
  deactivate Broker

  SlowWorker ->>- Broker : ready
  activate Broker
  Broker ->>- SlowWorker : no_work
  activate SlowWorker
  deactivate SlowWorker


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