OS: Manjaro Linux
DE/WM: (click to expand)
- Shell: Catppuccin-Mocha-Lavender-dark
- Legacy: (generated with Gradience) Catppuccin Mocha + RosePine titlebar buttons
- All Extensions:
Alyur's Widgets(deprecated in gnome 45, still looking for replacement)- Arc-menu
- Blur my Shell
- Compiz window effect
- friction: 4.0 - spring 10.0 - speedup factor 22.0 - mass 80 - x tiles 8 - y tiles 8 - maximize effect false - resize effect true - Compiz magic lamp effect
- Dekstop Cube
- Just Perfection
- Pop Shell
Space Bar(new workspace indicator is fine for me)Top Bar OrganizerOrder Gnome Shell Extensions (organizer broke some stuff for me)Unite(breakes workspace indicator in gnome 45. Still looking for replacement.)- Vitals
- Burn my Windows
- Media Controls
- Caffeine
- (Built-In):
- AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support
- Gnome 4x UI Imporovements
- Launch new instance
- Pamac Updates Indicator (gets installed with pamac i think)
- Screenshot Window Sizer
- User Themes
- X11 Gestures
A ton of wallpapers
stolenfrom all over the internet. -
Terminal: kitty
Shell: zsh
Editor: nvim with neovide for gui (config based on Nvchad and Vimacs)
Font: FiraCode Nerd Font Mono + JetBrains (for italic text)
Music app: Youtube Music yt-ch
- Discord: betterdiscord (catppuccin mocha css)
- WhatsApp: nchat - tui client
- Mastodon: toot
- Mail: neomutt (Config inspired from: mutt_dotfiles and neomutt-powerline-fonts)
Browser: Firefox with Cascade (Catppuccin Lavander theme) + Chevron as startpage. Guide for configuration and cascade css in the repo. ☝️
Visualizer: Cava
PDF Viewer: Zathura