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Releases: nHashApp/nHash

nHash 1.10

27 Mar 15:55
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nHash Version 1.10 brings a host of new features and improvements to the command-line tool. In this release, we've added new functionalities and made changes to enhance user experience.

Added Features

  • Base58 Encoding: You can now encode/decode Base58 using the new nhash encode base58 sub-command. For example, to encode the text "hello", run nhash encode base58 "hello".

  • Abbreviated Mode: To make it easier to use the tool, we have added an abbreviated mode to commands. You can now generate a UUID with the command nhash u, or calculate an MD5 hash code for a string with the command nhash h c "Hello" -t md5.

  • Examples for Commands: We've also added an example call feature to commands. You can now see examples for every command by running a command with -h or --help. For example, to see examples of the uuid command, run nhash uuid --help.

Bug Fixes

  • Alias Parameter Detection: We have fixed a bug in the detection of alias parameters for output.
  • Output Writing: We have also fixed a bug that affected output writing.


  • Version Option Display Mode: We have made a change to the display mode for the version option.

We hope that these changes and improvements enhance your experience using nHash.


26 Mar 13:59
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Add short alias for the options


25 Mar 10:42
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nHash has many changes in this release


  • Separation of Hash sub-command into two sections, Calc and Checksum

Calc sub-command

  • Add Blake2b algorithm
  • Add Blake2s algorithm
  • Add SHA-3 (224, 256, 384, 512) algorithm

Checksum sub-command

  • Add Adler32 algorithm into Checksum sub-command
  • Add Fletcher16 algorithm into Checksum sub-command
  • Add Fletcher32 algorithm into Checksum sub-command
  • Added a verification option to Checksum, verify received code with selected file nhash hash checksum --file test.iso --verify 5EB63BBBE01EEED093CB22BB8F5ACDC3 --type md5


This is the biggest change for having clean code


23 Mar 00:42
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nhash v1.8

nHash is a command-line tool for hashing, text manipulation, and data conversion. The latest version 1.8 introduces new features and improvements to the JSON, YAML, and XML conversion tools.

JSON, YAML, and XML conversion tools

nHash now supports converting between JSON, YAML, and XML formats. Users can convert JSON, YAML, or XML data to any of the other two formats using the --convert option. For example, to convert YAML to JSON, use the command nhash text yaml --convert JSON <file>.

Other features and improvements

In addition to the conversion tools, version 1.8 also includes the following features and improvements:

Improved help system: more comprehensive help information is available through the --help option for each command.


20 Mar 17:03
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For better features, new features and some structural changes to make it easier to add new features.


  • Add global output to all commands, You can directly write output to the file. with parameter "--output file-name" at end of the command
  • Add convert to Yaml in the Json feature


  • Change the program source code structure to clean
  • Add DI to make the program easier to add new features
  • Change the read file from Sync to Async


18 Mar 15:59
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Add a new feature to this release


  • Add JSON tools
    • Add pretty print
    • Add compact print
    • Read JSON from the file


  • Change the set type mode in hash


16 Mar 05:09
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Fix the bug in the JWT token decoder and reduced the file size


14 Mar 09:38
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New features were added and options were grouped for ease of use.

New feature:

  • Add UUID version 1-5
  • Add JWT token decode


  • URL, Base64, HTML moved to Encode sub-category
  • Add JWT and Base64 to Encode sub-category
  • Humanizer moved to Text sub-category


13 Mar 12:06
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First stable version


  • Add password generator


11 Mar 05:26
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0.2 Pre-release

New beta version

New feature:

  • Add CRC32 algorithm
  • Unify algorithms to write all types at once
  • Remove the type parameter from the hash

Fix bug:

  • Fix the bug in the read file for the hash