DD4J Test Demo is Java application for testing DigiDoc4j Java library - https://github.com/open-eid/digidoc4j.
It contains following test classes:
- SignatureCreationTest - for general signature creation.
- SignatureCustomConfTest - for signature creation with custom configuration examples.
- SignatureValidationTest - for validating ASiC-E, BDOC, ASIC-S and DDOC containers.
- Java 8 or higher.
- Tested DD4J version is in Maven repository.
- In POM file tested DD4J is assigned.
- DD4J version is in (local) Maven repository. To test unpublished version, there are two options: 2. Build DD4J locally -> https://confluence.ria.ee/display/IB/How-To#HowTo-KuidaslokaalseltDD4Jkokkuehitada. 3. Install JAR file from Jenkins build -> Before installing new JAR, delete previously installed instance of DD4J with same version and maven-metadata-local.xml file containing reference to it.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="<path-to-digidoc4j-JAR-file>" -DpomFile="<path-to-digidoc4j-pom-file>"
Examples can be found in DD4J wiki https://github.com/open-eid/digidoc4j/wiki and in test classes.