This RESTFUL API returns reddit submissions JSON data including title, timestamp, submission url and a unit of measure used to determine the significance of the submission.
The database of these submissions deemed significant were generated by a process that looked at all NBA reddit submissions from within all 31 communities. The submissions were selected by a process that identified spikes in submission activity and then extracted the highest rated submission in that time frame.
The code that identified and generated these submissions is here.
The API offers the following GET methods to retrieve specific data from the postgresql db.
*Returns significant submissions during the 2015 regular season for the Los Angeles Lakers subreddit community.
All submissions for particular season year and subseason and subreddit:- /sigsubs/<year>-<sub_season>&<subreddit>
e.g :-
*Returns significant submissions during the whole 2015 NBA season (including playoffs, offseason and regular season) for the Los Angeles Lakers subreddit community.
All submissions for a particular season year and subreddit:- /sigsubs_yrteam/<year>&<subreddit>
e.g :-
- Returns all significant submissions across all years for the Los Angeles Lakers subreddit community.
All submissions for particular subreddit across all years:- /sigsubs_sub/<subreddit>
e.g :-
- Returns significant submissions from offseasons across all NBA seasons for the Los Angeles Lakers subreddit community.
All submissions across all years for partiulcar subseason and subreddit:- /sigsubs_seasonsub/<sub_season>&<subreddit>
e.g :-
- There is additionally a POST method available to update the database with new submission data if needed.
endpoint : /submission/<unique_reddit_submission_id>
reuquired header: {
"submission_url": ""
*Finally there is DELETE method available to delete a submission by its unique reddit submission id.
endpoint: /submission/<unique_reddit_submission_id>
This project was implemented with:
The API is on a server running Ubuntu 16.04 through Digital Ocean.
Python 3.5.2