Check for new releases from github when app is opened
Download and prompt to install in android systems
Created an abstraction layer over background tasks and notifications.
This should make it easier to implement any functionality that require them in the future.
Added more interactivity to webview
Added url below title
Added 'Refresh' button
Added 'Open in browser' button
Added 'Share' button
Added 'Clear history' button to delete all history in history tab
Draw app below android system bottom navigation bar
This removes the black bar at bottom in android 13
Added popup menu button to novel page
Added 'Refresh' button
Added 'Edit categories' button
Migrate auto_route to v7
Selection AppBar is now always elevated
Changed custom bottom bar elevation from 4 to 3
Bluetooth is no longer recognized as a valid data connection
Record chapter to reading history only when chapter is loaded
This prevents app from recording your attempt to read a chapter even though no content might have been loaded (ex: no internet connection)
Switch to using default bottom sheet with handle bar
Chapter list text in reader drawer is now smaller to show more chapters
Clicking on 'In libary' button in novel page will now remove novel from all categories
When popping state, change navigation index to initialIndex
if currentIndex
is not initialIndex
This is done to be more faithful to material 3 navigation
Don't show default category in novel category picker dialog unless it is selected
Open edit categories dialog in novel page on long press to 'In library'
Correct name of android keystore file in workflow file
Fixed novel scraping
Fixed constraint error when deleting chapter
This is achieved by deleting all associated data when deleting chapter
At end callback to load more in browse will now only be called if there is data #50
Preload reader font so that there is no text jump when reader is initially opened
Set reader status bar color according to reader theme (ex: dark on sepia even if app theme is dark)
Don't allow 'pull-to-refresh' in updates page when selection is active
Novel description can now be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the background behind description
You can’t perform that action at this time.