##Intro to Python course for Girl Develop It in Phoenix, AZ.
Welcome to Introduction to Python for Girl Develop It! Today we are going to be covering the basics of Python and doing lots of fun coding exercise.
I will be using a technology called a Jupyter notebook for the coding exercises and the lecture notes. Jupyter notebooks are used widely by data scientists and I love them. I also think they are a great way to learn coding because you don't have to deal with going back and forth between a text editor and your command line to execute the code.
The easiest way to install Jupyter notebook is to download the Anaconda Distribution Ananconda Distribution: with Python 3.6.
To open Jupyter notebook find the "Terminal" program on your computer and type "Jupyter Notebook". It will open a window in your browser with your directories. Select the directory you want to use for the class and create a new notebook. You are ready to code!
The lecture notes, which include the exercises, and solutions can be found in the Lectures folder in this repo.
The lecture portion draws very heavily on Caleb Smith's [Intro to Python Course for Girl Developit] (http://calebsmith.github.io/gdi-intro-python/citycamp/#/slide-content) Many of the exercises are original or inspired by something I might have seen on the web.