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Awkwords v1.2

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@nai888 nai888 released this 20 Apr 12:42
  • some code refactoring
  • default file extension changed to .awkw to not confuse Awkwords files with AWK scripts
  • the shell and thus the files changed encoding from cp1250 to utf-8; old files are automatically converted; this fixes problems with some characters that earlier versions had
  • various adjustments and fixes in the interface (aka the "shell"); changed from XHTML to HTML 4.01 Transitional
  • note: what was called "shortcuts" is now called "subpatterns" (for clarity; essentially they are the same as the pattern, only named with letters and included in the pattern)
  • added input validation: checking for dependency cycles, brackets not matching, multiple subpatterns assigned to one letter, capital A-Z without a subpattern assigned, proper handling of file loading errors
  • fixed 2 bugs in choose() - last fragment empty; skipping option weights in nested fragments