- pyenv と pyenv-virtualenv を使用します
cd /path/to/habit_app
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.9 habit_app
pyenv local habit_app
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel poetry
poetry install
🐱❯ habit-app --help
usage: habit-app [-h] [--task-pkl TASK_PKL] {add,show,done} ...
Task manager app
positional arguments:
add Add a task
show Show all tasks
done Mark a task as done
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--task-pkl TASK_PKL Path to the task information
🐱❯ habit-app add "test task 1"
Task added
🐱❯ habit-app show
1: test task 1 (not done)
🐱❯ habit-app done 1
Task 1 marked as done
# 指定した task id が `done` となっている
🐱❯ habit-app show
1: test task 1 (done)
🐱❯ habit-app --task-pkl my-task.pkl add "my task 1"
Task added
🐱❯ habit-app --task-pkl my-task.pkl show
1: my task 1 (not done)