A simple tool for interconversion of binary, decimal, hexadecimal and octal
- BinToDec
- BinToOct
- BinToHex
- DecToBin
- DecToOct
- DecTohex
- HexToBin
- OctToBin
For other Hexadecimal and Octal conversions the given functions can be used together as follows:-
BinToDec(HexToBin(arg)) #Hexadecimal to Decimal
BinToOct(HexToBin(arg)) #Hexadecimal to Octal
BinToDec(OctToBin(arg)) #Octal to Decimal
BinToHex(OctToBin(arg)) #Octal to Hexadecimal
Arg is of type string
from pyinterconvert import ConvClient
c = ConvClient()
#prints 125