Software: Jupyter notebook
Shell scripts run jupyter notebooks in python3 env.
Environment: Python 3.8.10
Environment in which jupyter notebooks are executed.
Can be installed using the following command "$pip install -r requirements.txt"
-> Pandas 1.3.4 : For dataset manipulation, data analysis, time series & statistics.
-> NumPy 1.21.4 : For mathematical functions & array computations.
-> nbconvert 6.2.0 : Converts Jupyter Notebooks
-> requests 2.22.0 : Python HTTP for Humans.
-> beautifulsoup4 4.10.0 : Screen-scraping library.
-> wordcloud 3.3.4 : creation of wordcloud
-> nltk 3.2.1 : Natural Language processing library used for sentiment analysis
-> vader 0.0.2 : tool used for calculation of sentiment scores (positive, negative, neutral and compound)
Use semicolon(;) as seperator while reading CSV files.
-> `anime-info-main.csv`:
Contains information(features) of anime(s) scraped from myanimelist platform.
-> `anime-review-main.csv`:
Contains reviews of anime(s) by users scrapped from myanimelist platform.
-> `anime-info-main-clean.csv`:
Clean (preprocessed) version of `anime-info-main.csv`.
IPynb files in this stage are as follows:
-> `myanimelist_url_scraper.ipynb`:
Scraps the URLs of all anime(s) from `` and saves them in `anime-urls-main.csv`
Maximum number of threads for multithreading = 30
Maximum wait time between requests = 0.2 s
Run `$jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute --inplace myanimelist_url_scraper.ipynb` command to execute.
-> `myanimelist_data_scraper.ipynb`:
Scraps the anime data (info & reviews) for all anime(s) from `` and saves them in `anime-info-main. csv` & `anime-review-main.csv`.
Optimal number of cores for multiprocessing = 8
Maximum number of threads for multithreading = 30
Maximum wait time between requests = 1.0 s
Run `$jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute --inplace myanimelist_data_scraper.ipynb` command to execute.
NOTE: Run time of web scraper on personal system was around an hour and might need human intervention due to server defences against DDoS.
IPynb files in this stage are as follows:
-> `myanimelist_data_cleaning.ipynb`:
-> `myanimelist_data_analysis.ipynb`: