Python Dictionary to Dot notation
This implementation admits dot notation to access dictionaries and nested dictionaries.
In order to expose a dot notated dict, its immediate parent will be changed to replace the dictionary to a new object, meaning that only the mutable types dict and list will be changed, once a dictionary child is found.
To install through pip, run:
pip install dict2dot
from dict2dot import Dict2Dot
my_dict = {'dogs': {'breeds': ['Golden Retriever', 'Labrador Retriever']}}
my_d2d = Dict2Dot(my_dict)
# ['Golden Retriever', 'Labrador Retriever']
print(my_d2d.dogs.breeds == my_dict['dogs']['breeds'])
# True
print(my_d2d.dogs.breeds[-1] == my_dict['dogs']['breeds'][-1])
# True
from dict2dot import Dict2Dot
famous_dict = {'id': 6, 'names': {'first': 'Janelle', 'last': 'Monáe'}, 'pronouns': ['They', 'Them']}
famous_d2d = Dict2Dot(famous_dict)
famous_d2d.names.update({'full': 'Janelle Monáe Robinson'})
# {'id': 6, 'names': {'first': 'Janelle', 'last': 'Monáe', 'full': 'Janelle Monáe Robinson'}, 'pronouns': ['They', 'Them', 'Their']}
family_dict = {'elder': [{'child_1': [], 'child_2': [{'grandchild_2_1': []}, {'grandchild_2_2': []}]}]}
family = Dict2Dot(family_dict)
family.elder[0].child_1.extend(['has two dogs', 'has a bird'])
family.elder[0].child_2[-1].grandchild_2_2.append('has 1 dog')
# {'elder': [{'child_1': ['has two dogs', 'has a bird'], 'child_2': [{'grandchild_2_1': []}, {'grandchild_2_2': ['has 1 dog']}]}]}
# <class 'dict2dot.Dict2Dot'>
# <class 'dict'>
other_dot2dict = Dict2Dot()
other_dot2dict.a_new_key = 'a new value'
# a new value
Using Python Shell/REPL, autocomplete should respond. Assign a variable to a Dict2Dot dictionary instantiation and use the to autocomplete the dictionary keys after the dot:
from dict2dot import Dict2Dot
d2d = Dict2Dot({'dogs': {'breeds': ['Golden Retriever']}})
d2d.dogs.bre # hit the <tab> key to complete "breeds"
Note: autocomplete will not respond inside a list.
from dict2dot import Dict2Dot
d2d = Dict2Dot({'name': {'first': 'First name'}, 'parents': [{'mom': "Mom's name"}, {'dad': "Dad's name"}]}) # hitting <tab> autocompletes "first" # hitting <tab> autocompletes "parents"
d2d.parents[0].mom # no autocomplete available
Please try from command line:
python -c "import dict2dot; print(dict2dot.__doc__)"
Documentation can also be found in docs.
- Read child dictionaries in parent iterators other than list or dict
- Remove keys and nested keys previously set
- Add recursing limitation option
- Add a tree exhibition of the keys
- Try to enable autocomplete for nested D2D in lists:
- Update documentation (in the "docs" dir)