released this
30 Nov 21:52
new: mosaic layout
new: video support (Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion)
new: image slider in thumbnail (see option 'thumbnailSliderDelay')
new: value 'fillWidth' for option 'thumbnailAlignment' (is also the new default value)
new: option 'thumbnailBaseGridHeight' for cascading layout
new: markup content source supports the ID attribute
new: option 'viewerTransitionMediaKind' to enable/disable media transition in lightbox
new: module support
new: callback fnProcessData for Flickr data
enhanced: option 'thumbnailOpenOriginal' for all data types
enhanced: added keyword 'auto backup' to default value for 'blackList'
enhanced: loading.gif embeded in CSS file
changed: the lightbox is nor more closed when the user clicks/touches the area outside the image
fixed: #67 viewer opens even if cutom viewer defined (broken in v1.5.0)
fixed: image swipe left/right closes the lightbox
fixed: #56 #68 destroy method issue -> warning: browser back to non existing location could happen
fixed: #70 overflow-x: hidden; not working after exit gallery
fixed: Flickr - album list blocked by hidden albums
fixed: #69 message 'error: no image to process.' no more displayed
fixed: #77 link to the photo on flickr leads to photostream instead of album
fixed: #78 exif time now handeld as string format
fixed: image on selected thumbnail not visible
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