This repository contains the code for the paper Prototype-based Feature Selection with the Nafes Package
This paper introduces Nafes as a prototype-based feature selection package designed as a wrapper centered on the highly interpretable and powerful Generalized Matrix Learning Vector Quantization (GMLVQ) classification algorithm and its local variant (LGMLVQ). Nafes utilizes the learned Relevance evaluated by the mutation validation scheme for Learning Vector quantization (LVQ) which iteratively converges to selected features that relevantly contribute to the prototype-based classifier decisions
The implementation requires Python 3.11.5 and above. The author recommends to use a virtual environment or Docker image. The details of the implementation and results evaluation can be found in the paper.
To install the Python requirements use the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To replicate results for WDBC in the paper run the default parameters:
python --dataset wdbc --model gmlvq --eval_type ho
python --dataset wdbc --model gmlvq --eval_type mv
python --dataset wdbc --model lgmlvq --eval_type ho --reject_option
python --dataset wdbc --model lgmlvq --eval_type mv --reject_option
To replicate results for Ozone Layer in the paper run the default parameter:
python --dataset ozone --model gmlvq --eval_type ho
python --dataset ozone --model gmlvq --eval_type mv
python --dataset ozone --model lgmlvq --eval_type ho --reject_option
python --dataset ozone --model lgmlvq --eval_type mv --reject_option