Ride sharing application created using HTML, Vue.js, Vuetify, JavaScript and Google Maps.
The application is also live HERE.
This project was created using Vue.js CLI version 2.6.11, Vuetify, Google Maps. Data is saved through Firebase Database and the login is with Firebase Authentification. Hosting is also done with Firebase.
To run the project on your machine use npm run serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/.
- View list of rides
- Filter rides by locality leaving, locality going or by car model
- Login in order to add or book a ride
- Show route on Google Maps by pressing the 'View recomanded route' button
- Book a ride by pressing the 'Go with this driver' button
- Add a ride by completing a form
- View profile page which includes personal informations (name, phone number, email address) and the rides situation
- View user's rides list: one where the user is booked as a passenger and one where the user is the driver of the car
- View rides details
- List of rides
- Add a trip form
- Account details dialog
- Ride details dialog
- Filter list of rides