It is a Data Classifier Project.
- It determines the player based on the features.
- To get the accuracy rate for prediction
- Shakespeare Plays : -- It contains data from Shakespeare's plays such as Play, player, Player Line and Act
- We are classifying Player Line using 4 different classification models.
1) Random Forest 2) Support Vector Machine 3) Naive Byes 4) Logistics Regression
- To classify text, we need to convert into numerical forms. So, the player line has been converted to a tfidf vector
- This vector is then used to train the model.
- Data has been split into two sets - Train and Test. Using default methodology.
- Below graph shows the Play vs No of Players
- --Accuracy for each model is evaluated. -- Logistic Regression accuracy rate was higher than the other models.
Models | Accuracy |
SVM | 0.043564 |
Logistic Regression | 0.046845 |
Naive Byes | 0.032881 |
Random Forest Classifier | 0.021660 |
- - python file exported from Jupyter
- Shakespeare.ipynb - Jupyter notebook
- External - Shakespeare Data
- Plot - Plays vs Player Count and Accuracy Comparison