An innovative web application designed to emulate a switch CLI for streamlined interaction with tech-support files. It allows users to effortlessly upload and run switch commands with advanced features such as tab autocompletion, command prompts using ‘?’, Linux-style piping and ‘intuitive search’.
A modified version of sherlog is present at Arista Networks as an internal tool that has the added functionality of pulling files from a central repository.
- upload your tech-support file(s) (.gz and .log)
- 'tab'for autocomplete and '?' for command prompts
- intuitive command search with
Shift + Enter
- notes for keeping track of quick pointers
- command history to keep track of your commands
- fileswitcher to keep the files you have uploaded organized
Clone the project
git clone
This project can be run as a docker container (recommended) and locally
Please ensure to install docker and have the daemon running
cd /path/to/sherlog
docker-compose up -d --build
Access sherlog from http://localhost:3000/
Go to the reactpage directory
cd /path/to/sherlog
cd reactpage
Edit the target URL in vite.config.js by uncommenting the target key-value pair that correspondds to running locally
//for running locally using npm run dev
//target: "",
Install dependencies on the reactpage
npm install
Go to the flaskserver directory
cd /path/to/sherlog
cd flaskserver
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the servers from the appropriate directories
cd /path/to/sherlog/reactpage
npm run build
npm run preview
cd /path/to/sherlog/flaskserver/
flask run