This is a simple single screen app which shows the current trending Github repositories fetched from a public API.
- Min SDK - 19
- Fetches Trending Repo's from public API
- While fetching, display loading animation (implemented shimmer animation)
- All the items in the list are in their collapsed state by default and can be expanded on tap
- The app handles configuration changes (like rotation)
- The app has 100% offline support. Once the data is fetched successfully from remote, it is stored locally and served from cache thereafter till the cache is not expired
- The cached data is valid for a duration of 2 hour
- Pull to refresh to fetch data
- Unit Testing and UI Testing
- Dagger/Koin Implementation
- If the app is not able to fetch the data, then it should show an error state to the user with an option to retry again
- Automate the app to fetch new data after the cache gets expired in 2 hrs
- Android Architecture components
- Kotlin
- RxJava
- LiveData
- Repository Pattern
- Glide
- Room database
- Retrofit