This project is the result of an activity called 7 days of code.
- day 1: I put my knowledge of HTML and CSS into practice, replicating a Figma layout with static data, such as image, title, rating, description, etc.
- day 2: On the second day, I did a lot of DOM manipulation. My goal was to create movies no longer statically but dynamically using JavaScript.
- day 3: Started to consume the list of most popular movies at the moment, according to The Movie DataBase API. For this, I worked with asynchronous JavaScript and also handled data in JSON format.
- day 4: Had lot of work with the DOM and the API again. Worked with the search bar to fetch specific movies through the API.
- day 5: Implemented the logic of favorite/unfavorite a movie and save this data in Local Storage, so that the data will remain there even if you refresh or close the browser.
- day 6: Focusing on DOM and Local Storage, I implemented the functionality of showing only favorite movies when the corresponding checkbox is checked.
- day 7: On the seventh and final day of the challenge, I had the chance to refactor my code to make it better. In addition, I made my application publicly available on the internet, hosting it in the cloud, so that other people can access it.