Soy un científico de la computación y un ingeniero de software. Me gradué en la Universidad de California en San Diego y estudié la ciencia de la computación.
I'm a computer scientist and software engineer. I graduated from UC San Diego with a degree in computer science.
My computer science interests lie in the boundary
between theory and practical computer science; my favorite domains to discuss
are algorithms, computer security, computer systems (especially operating systems),
programming languages, and computer networks.
Another interest of mine are spoken languages. Linguistics and accent study have always fascinated me, and I hope one day to go from bilingually competent in english and español and learning 中文 to trilingually fluent in the above languages. Not sure if either of those terms are official, but I'm sticking with em ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Check out my blog (though I'm an infrequent poster), and go check out my website for some more information (including Spotify playlists).